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Home made?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by newber_dan, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. 2 questions guys..

    1. Whats the most effective materials you have used in building a home made smoking apparatus?

    i havent made any but my mates make them out of plastic bottles and hose because we're cheapskates round here.

    2. Whats the craziest thing you have seen or used as a smoking apparatus?

    i havent seen many either but i've smoked through a pipe made from a length of copper pipe and an old car tire valve for the cone piece.
  2. I have a metal pipe that i made out of piping. Just used an elbow joint as a bowl and a small piece of straight pipe for the mouth piece. Works great, i keep it in my bag, its unbreakable.
    I also have a lightbulb vaporizer. Its ok, its a bit tricky to get it to vaporize and not burn but its just a matter of getting the hang of it.
  3. well i make pipes and shit mostly out of boredom but for cash too and once me and my freind made a bong out of ten feet of big o piping and we sat on his roof and smoked it took like ten minutes to clear it:D
  4. ive never heard ofone..

    why do people use such long bongs?
  5. -Playing Card.

    1.Take pencil and rip off the metal part where the eraser is. Remove that and eraser and you should just have the metal casing it was sitting in.

    2. Roll up playing card long way and tape it. It should look like a tube.

    3. Take a knife or something sharp to poke a whole towards the end it at the top.

    4. Once hole is made put metal piece in. Make sure to bend the bottom of metal casing so you don't get ash in your mouth.

    5. Put a little tape by and around metal casing to ensure it is airtight.

    Then you have a small hitter. My buddy learned that in prison. :D
  6. thats pretty resourceful man.. i wonder what other methods and materials will be shared..
  7. 1. 2 pens, tip of one, body of other, works fine.
    2. PVC Pibe Bowl lol.
  8. popcan or apple

  9. yeah ive used an aluminum can with a couple of girls one night when we stayed at a non smoker mates house

    can yoo explain? do ya just like flip the 2nd tip around and use it as a cone piece?
  10. [ame=]YouTube - How To Make a Pilot G-2 sneak-a-toke[/ame]

    exact video i watched, you can try it with other pens.

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