Home made tools

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by HighImBakedHBU, May 18, 2011.

  1. Qt bong
    Hit it at red tube
    Bowl is socket on top
    power hit under tube
    Rips like a mofo

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  2. This is a spoon I made.

  3. ^^^
    Looks like someone sneezed some gloober glop red shit on there.

    Whats the pipe made out of
  4. It's ceramic, so out of clay.

    It's glazed, and the red is melted glass flecks.
  5. thats awesome. I want to get into glass blowing. Making your own piece to cherish. Ahh. Well, wen my bowl and mouth piece from my minibong broke, i improvised with common house shit. thats as close as i get to creation.
  6. Nothing quite like smoking a piece you made, especially when it's kick ass. That little spoon kills.

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