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home Drug test question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by theoryGV, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. hello i know what you are thinking not another drug test thread but i have a question i have a home DT coming up from my parents this weekend and i just smoked today not knowing i will have a drug test i know i cant get it out of my system in time so i was wondering if i can just add like water to the cup like 1/3 water and 2/3 piss and duillute it enough to get a negitive.

    i smoked 2 bowls so about a gram and havent for about a month befor that so with this low amout of thc in me and with adding the water do you guys think i will pass?

    also think 1/3 water is to much water love to hear your guys opinons:)
  2. Drink as much arizona green tea as you can. chug water like theres no tomorrow. and hope for the best.
  3. yes i am going to be drinking alot of water and i am thinking of getting some cranberry juice and going to the gym but i dont know if that will be enough i waskinda hoping for a sure thing to create a flase negitive
  4. drink some bleach.. jk but dry some bleach on your finger before the test and swirl it around in the cup should work.
  5. thanks and have any of you tried this bleach methoddoes it work?

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