im trying to build an ebb and flow system, all i managed to buy was an 18 gallon container for nutrient solution and a timer lol. i found the reccomend lights for weed metal halid and hps. these lights were huge and the container said they reguire a specific kind of balast. i got very bad customer service when i asked the dude what a balast was and what am i suposed to plug these into....... he showed me a balast it looks kinda like an adapter but the employee didnt know if it was the one i needed, and he showed me a fixture to plug the lights into that was for outdoor garage lights. i just got back from there and am a little pissed so let me know if theres a specific question i should be asking or any details i left out of my problem. plz comment if u have helpful info
dude your better of starting of with cfl daylight bulbs you reaaly dont need mh bulb. any ways you can order grow lights of line from grow shops much better way to go. everything cames togeter. you can also grow with just cfls bro much easier and less expenzive read the cfl guide in the post. home depot doesnt sell ballst any ways. nobody does unless you order them online. there expensive.
Try to find a local hydroponics store around you. Not only do they often carry Urban Garden magazines for tips, they may offer a catalog for free as well for you to browse through. For the last year a local hydroponics store has been teaching me several techniques and giving me great advice. If that is not an option for you, I would suggest ordering lamps/bulbs online and trying to read several of the tutorials on GrassCity. For those small pieces I would suggest trying to get a manager. They generally have been there longer (not always), and are more knowledgeable than your standard 17-year-old employee. Good luck! -Sweedy