Holy hell it's almost time!!

Discussion in 'General' started by evogottago, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. So..it's 5:00 a.m. and I can't sleep! You see, I havn't smoked in 25 days after smoking EVERY DAY for nearly a year and a half. Long story short, I got a para charge about 6 months ago and part of the sentence for me not going to jail (ridiculous right??) was I had to go to drug counseling every other week until completed (god forbid i dont get help :rolleyes:). Up until now I've failed every piss test b/c well.. I didn't have to pass em for any reason. Finally 30 days ago my "counselor" said that if I can manage to pass a dt in 30 days that I could stop coming, WOO!! So once again long story short, I've had to sit around and watch while every1 smoked on the herb w/o me for nearly every day of the torture, and of course once I can't smoke ppl in town start gettin cron :(:( But it's ok, for the past 15 days I've planned a 24 hour obs!! (open bong sesh) I picked up a brand new roor w/ ashcatcher and diffuser AND an ounce of some DANK, monday getting ready for today. So I suppose this thread is a little on the pointless side, but I've only managed to sleep for 2 hours because I'm so damn excited. So I thought I'd write a post to take up some time lol. ONLY 8 hours and 45 minutes to go!!!! :hello::D
  2. man... i know how you feel. being so exited not being able to sleep lol id be the same way. i havent smoked in i think a day and man... its boring as hell
  3. since your town was gettin chron chron, you should have taken whatever you normally spend on bud, and continued buying sacks with it and putting it away in a jar for the remaining time. Of course this only works if you got the willpower to actually NOT smoke it:p but if you did, you would have a real nice sack to come back to after a nice amount of tolerance break.:smoking::wave:
  4. DAMN DUDE.. that's an amazing idea. Wish I woulda thought of that beforehand :( It's all good tho, I've got an oz of cron either way lol. Thanks for the advice tho, I'll deff. heed it if (god forbid) I ever have to go on another t-break. 7 hours 30 minutes!!!! :smoking:

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