[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGTfDf4b5oE&NR=1&feature=fvwp]YouTube - 8-Year-Old Guitar Prodigy Stuns Audiences[/ame] This kid is a CRAZY guitarist and I really feel like hes gona have some sort of huge impact in the music scene.. Discuss!
..... Aww [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfjTrrBE_eI&NR=1]YouTube - State Silences Young Guitarist[/ame]
Omg I just realize how old those were. He's like 10 now.. and hells yah, that kid can shred licks like no other. I just think that he need to find a deeper meaning to play guitar. He plays too light and it doesnt really have a signature sound. idk, just rambling here
everyone says he's gonna be huge but i honestly don't see it. he's a great player don't get me wrong but people saying he's playing with passion? the kids ten... sure in some videos he looks like he's having fun but other times he looks like he doesn't wanna even be playing.. i mean you can say anything in an interview but idk..
who cares if he has passion now.... listen to how good he can play at such a young age. think how good he will be with time and wait til hes older and actually knows what passion is. kid will definatly be crazy good.
just saying i just don't see it i would love him to be huge but my gut is telling me he's gonna either drop it or put it behind him for something more "real" and my gut is usually right.. and who cares if he has passion? lol he's not going anywhere without a passion to play that thing..
just because you're music isn't going anywhere zeague doesn't mean you have to bash on the little kids with real talent. lolololololool
so? hell make some boring music thats already been done. unless hes also creative, and original, hes just going to know how to play. lots of guys know how to play. theyre called studio musicians. dont get me wrong, this is cool and all, and the kid is for sure better at 8 than ill ever be, haha, im just saying, being good at an instrument can only get you so far. id rather hear some kid whos never picked up one making some amazing new style. greg ginn type shit.
I know him. I met him and his dad back at a guitar clinic with andy timmons. He was a cute kid haha. Very passionate about the guitar but his dad was a douche and was really full of himself I hope he doesn't lead the kid down that path. I cant stand snobby guitarist
thats another thing, this has gotta be forced. i mean, i know lots of guys who are passionate as fuck about guitar, but they didnt start playing at 5.. its not a bad thing, but you know his parents are pushing.
He definitely liked playing and I don't think its forced. He isnt that great. I mean hes good for 8 but he really sounds like hes been playing for like two years. I'm sure its a little pushed but shit I'm pushing my kids to learn instruments too. But its not unbelievable and he worked to get where he is. took lessons for three years and practiced. good for him and I hope he makes some cash