holy crap, my parents are so awesome

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SpiceMadeOfLife, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. Some of you may have heard that my mom is a complete narc, but my dad and my step mom are actually really chill about what they dont know. I just have to say to them "Hey, I think I'm just gonna go for a little walk, that okay?" They say "Yea sure." I tell them all of this stuff like "I got my cell phone with me, so if you need to reach me I'm a phone call away" and they just say, "Okay, sounds good." I dont even need to give them a time frame "I'm probably gonna be gone a while, so dont worry, I'll be back within the hour fer sure."

    It feels like I'm taking advantage of that, but what else can I do. They stay up till like fuckin midnight each night so its like the only way I can blaze.

    I dunno, I feel like I'm being smart about it. I gotta be up at 5 am tomorrow so I'll be in bed by like 10:30 11pm tonight, so whatever.

    But pretty cool huh?
  2. What's so cool about that?
  3. yeh your eighteen big deal.

    i could do that when i was 12.
  4. Haha, umm..yeah, been doing the same thing since I was 10...
  5. Congrats, your parents let you go outside.
  6. Your rents must have been strict back in the day, but now they are not so strict and your super happy, right?
  7. Yea man, thats exactly it, I actually didn't know this was normal at all.

    Its also because my dad has been told before about the fact that I smoke weed. One other occasion my sister, my bro and I all came back blazed as hell and they caught us.

    My parents are separated so my Mom called my Dad and told him what happened. I would think he would have said something about it by now. Either my mom didn't tell him or maybe he doesn't care.

    Wow, stuff to think about I guess.
  8. well im glad your rents aren't so strict anymore:)
  9. you know ya gotta be at least 16 to be on here;)
  10. Dude, not gonna lie if your 18 and your parents let you go for a walk... that's pretty bad ass!

    Pretty sure I could go for walks since I was like 10? haha :)
  11. when i lived with my parents and i wanted to smoke a bowl, id walk out on the deck. neither of my parents gave a shit, they just didnt want me doing any underage drinking
  12. It's a new feeling for you, glad you're enjoying it to the fullest :smoke:
  13. +1 Bless the op he was so proud of himself.
  14. Relax guys, you all may have had relaxed parents, but not all of us did.

    I wasn't allowed to stay after school until i was 15.

    I had to move out before i was allowed out after 4:30-5:00 pm. Add that to the fact that my parents wanted to know EXACTLY where i'd been and what i did there.

    Doesn't mean he's under 18, just means his parents are strict as hell.
  15. That blows, from age 10'ish on I pretty much wandered the neighborhood (a less than nice one) my parents were trusting I guess.
  16. Being allowed out the house at the age of 18 isn't really anything to be proud of. If you were like "Yo Dad I'm going to blaze a FAT L" or "Ayo Bitch I'm gonna blast myself a few bongs!" then I'd be more impressed. All this thread suggests is that you're way under the age of 18. Even if your parents were super strict, it would be extremely wierd if they still had that sort of power over you at the age of 18. My dads uncomfortable with me going for 'walks' late at night because he knows EXACTLY what I'm doing, but he doesn't try and stop me. He just sighs and makes some sort of weed related comment. My mums cool with me smoking green but I can't smoke in the garden anymore because of her new house and its stricter rules of accomodation. Stand up for yourself more lad.
  17. wow man, ur parents let you take walks????

    wish i were so lucky.
  18. I'd be shocked at the lack of respect for the parent.
  19. are you fuckin serious? you moved out before they let you out after 4 fucking 30!?!?!? dude my neighbors little brother whos 4 years old can go out later than that!
  20. okkkkkk? Might be an accomplishment if you are...14 or 15 or so. In order to be on this board, you should be 18. Thus legally having this right to do so.

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