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Holding your hits

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by king-kush, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. I have always been told that the longer you hold your puffs the high you will get. Normally i would only hold my puffs for about 4 seconds, but today I held them for about 10 seconds each and felt no high then i regularly get off a joint. I think this is bullshit information, what do you think?
  2. Once you hold your hit in for about 4 seconds, almost all of the THC is absorbed through your lungs. :cool: So yes, it is bullshit and it's worse for your lungs the longer you hold your hits. I usually hold mine in for about 4 seconds then exhale.
  3. I've found no difference from holding it in for 20 seconds, and holding it in for 3. I normally hold it in for a couple seconds, just naturally, and then slowly let it out. Maybe leave some room in your lungs to suck in a tiny bit of air right before you blow out. It moves the smoke around in your lungs.
    Thats how I do it. People always tell me wtf hold it in for like 10 seconds... yeah whatever. have fun with that.
  4. my theory is
    ..take your desired hit and completely inhale then exhale like you are breathing out normally.

    holding it in any longer is not required to feel any effects.
  5. I agree. Sometimes i forget that im smoking a joint and I smoke it like a cig (exhaling like a second after an inhale) and then only when its time to kill the joint, i remember that i should hold it for like 4-5 seconds. But then i realize that there is absolutely no difference in effects, meaning if you dont hold it for a long time its same as if you ghost your hits.
    Thats just my opinion
    Have a nice day
  6. Hold them 3-5 seconds..after 5 seconds your lungs have already absorbed the THC in the smoke.
  7. Holding in your hits for longer then 3-5 secs is pointless.

    the lungs absorb all the availible THC once it enters the lungs. You cant absorb more then your lungs can handle. They have to get oxygen. All holding your breath does is Deprive your brain/blood of oxygen. making you light headed.
  8. exactly right. the only reason people claim it makes them higher is the light head feeling from deprived oxygen.
  9. isnt it 7 sec for the THC to be absorbed?
  10. Anything put into your lungs will render no additional effects after 5 seconds.
  11. theres a scientific study that shows you do more harm then good (no oxygen to the brain vs time to consume thc) after 5 seconds.
  12. I believe 75% or so of the THc in the smoke is absorbed by the lungs within the first second in inhalation. You're really just hurting your lungs by holding in the smoke any longer than 3 or 4 seconds
  13. Honestly do not listen to people who say stuff like that. The best advice when smoking is to enjoy the smoking process as much as possible do not inhale to the point of discomfort or hold it in to this point. The much more enjoyable the smoking is the better the high is. This is mainly because you are keeping your body relaxed instead of straining stuff which can change the high more than you would think.
  14. i dont hold it in any longer than 3-5 seconds.
  15. Unless you want black lungs, I'd exhale after 4-5 seconds. 95% of the THC in the smoke is absorbed in about 4 seconds. After that your just leaving hot smoke in your lungs.
  16. 7 seconds...
  17. I just hold it for like 1-3 seconds then breathe it out.
    No real point in holding it for very long.

    You got higher doing so? Lack of oxygen :rolleyes:
  18. We played this game my friend calls indians yesterday.
    I dunno how he got the name on it but the rules are:

    Take a hit and pass directly after.
    Hold the hit till you get the joint back.

    It's fun for a second but it doesnt get you higher.
    I did get an extra effect if you wanna call it that, cuz of ghosing every hit you get sorta woozy and it feels pretty funny.

    I wouldnt say you should ghost every time you smoke cuz holding smoke that long isn't really good for you.

  19. Haha we call that playing baseball where I live.
    3-6 seconds is long enough.
    You need your oxygen dude :]
  20. the only time i ever ghost a hit is when i need to limit the amount of smoke on the exhale (if i need to be stealthy for whatever reasons). otherwise i'm usually a 3 and out kinda guy.

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