Hola Mi Nombre Es Jared.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Dankiskahn, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. What up herb!
  2. Hola, como estas?
  3. you're not messican...you would know that the word "es" isnt required.

    welcome to the city.

  4. The sentence is correct.
  5. Hola. Puedes hablar espanol de verdad?

    Tu tienes clases de espanol o hablas con tu familia?

    Ahora estoy en mi cuarto clase de espanol en universidad.
  6. I'm super sorry bout that. Should've just said hey, huh? Thank you for the warm welcome though. ;) Okay I'm new at this so ima do what everyone does. Just start "adding" people.lol
  7. I guess you could send out requests. Although I am fairly new myself, my suggestion would be to just post in topics and create your own.

    Make a name for yourself. Just be sensical.
  8. does your last name start with a P?
  9. No man sorry. T

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