Hobo Stoner is my new friend

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Foreign Apples, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. At work, i was taking the trash out and from around a corner a hobo comes walking and cuts me off. He suddenly stops and says "im just gona smoke some medical marijuana here if you don't mind. i got my perscription.." I said "for sure, man. I don't mind at all, are you kidding me!?"

    I threw the trash away and as i was walking back, the hobo asked me the magical question, "Do you want a hit?" Of corse I took it :)

    An hour later, he shows up at my work. I was behind the register, he comes up to me a discretely hands me a post card and says "Thanks for the nice treatment." As i am taking someones order, a blunt falls out of the post card.. o shit.

    Later I read the post card, and it was the funniest/sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Mann that guy mustve been blazed. Apparently, I almost melted him with my dreamy green eyes, and he said "thanks or the excitement."

    I'm glad i treated the hobo like a human being and made his day. And his gift to me - the blunt - was awesome.
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  2. Hahaha that's pretty nice of him!

  3. ey do u know how to post a photo? :)
  5. No penises in this story?

  6. i cudve prolly thrown some in there ;)
  7. I'm about 99% sure that there's a member on this board named hobo stoner or something really close to that. I think he joined recently but can't recall. How serendipitous would that be, huh? :D
  8. I dont know man but heres some old school hip hop for ya

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQCueXqq9G0]YouTube - Da King & I - What's Up Doc[/ame]
  9. Your threads hurt when I read them :(

  10. When you open a new post window, down below where it says Additional Options, you click on Manage Attachments.
  11. [​IMG]

    fuck idk if it works
  12. aye if you tryna upload a picture go to ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting and upload it to that site, and link the image (just copy paste the link) on your post and there ya go
  13. i wish i had a homeless friend who gives me blunts and nice letters :(
  14. dont we all?
  15. Pics of postcard.
  16. that blunt was on the house. I had approved of his request to deliver it to you.
  17. Is OP a girl or was the hobo gay?
  18. #19 hoboleader, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Hobo's arent gay or straight. we fuck everything. doesnt matter if its a bear er a squirrel or your grandma with Alzheimers.

  19. Right? I think OP should share her hobo.

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