I can't sleep. and I got thinking. any of you have a close friend die in high school? how and tell a good memory of the two of you?
[quote name='"OscarZetaAcosta"']A few...Back about 10 years ago [Redacted]. Yeah, sorry...Can't really get into these stories, eh.[/quote] I get it. brings back bad memories?
2 real good mates of mine died in a car crash while i was following them in my car coming back from a party back when i was in high school shit was all kinds of fucked up.
Actually...Legal issues. After you lose so many friends doin' what I did...You learn to gray out the memories. Become more and more numb to death in general, quite sad, actually.
None were really close friends but a lot of people have died that I went to highschool with. Bike accident, OD, car accident.. Shit happens
Well, damn, that makes me more curious of what you did. As for me OP, he was a "good" friend. I had a best friend who lived a couple houses down, and his ultimate best friend, was my good friend, we'll call him X. I knew X for a good year and half. But neither my best friend or me saw him all the time. He would live across town, and come and stay a couple nights at my best friend's house. Usually during breaks and such. Chill guy, and really wanted to know him a bit more. What apparently happened was that X and his other friend found a gun somewhere, and X's friend was just playin around with and pulling the trigger and what not. X got accidentally hit in the head, and the bullet went out the side of his neck. He didn't die instantly, just went into a vegetative state. But there wasn't anyone could do, so his mom took him off life support. He was 13 at the time, and it was huge blow to me, and a bigger blow to my best friend and my best friend's family. I remember that day clearly. My best friend came up to my door and his eyes were red. He just said to me " X is dead". The feeling, was just surreal. It felt like someone played a joke on you, just kept thinking, this can't be true. I ended up going to his funeral, and its the only one i ever went to. As horrible as his death was, the screaming black preacher made it worse. Shit went on for two hours. After that, I just realized that if I ever go to a funeral, I just want it done quick and contemplate it in privacy.
yeah my friend OD'd... now most of the memories i'd remember as the golden days are more like warning signs in retrospect.
I can assure you that it isn't nearly as exciting as you probably think it is...Problem is it is still an active investigation and will be for another ten years or so. I can send you my Vegas chapter of my book to give you an idea if you're interested, but I don't actually go into it there either.
[quote name='"OscarZetaAcosta"'] I can assure you that it isn't nearly as exciting as you probably think it is...Problem is it is still an active investigation and will be for another ten years or so. I can send you my Vegas chapter of my book to give you an idea if you're interested, but I don't actually go into it there either.[/quote] Reading you're posts has made me realize something Oscar, you are the most interesting man in the world.
Lost a very close and long time friend a few months ago, OD. Still see him in my dreams sometimes, RIP J. Remember we took some E one time at night at these quarries and I fell off about a 40 ft cliff (not straight down) and he climbed down in the complete dark somehow to make sure I was alive. Miss you buddy
Friends from when I was younger have died, kids in my hs classes, but never really good friends. I've been blessed with that. Seriously couldn't live life without my best friends. They're family.
Last November, my friend..let's call him T, killed himself because he didn't think he belonged here anymore. he was close to me and it hurt pretty bad. I tried calling his phone after he texted me that he was sorry and his mom answered crying. not a good night. Also, 2 years ago one of the kids in my school got in a car accident going to pick up his sister from a basketball game and hit a tree because he slid on ice. the entire school still hurts from that. every December 13th, we all just kind of mope around. its really sad=/
I can't remember anyone dying but I got some crazy stories. There was this guy called jesus and he did free running, at some point he ran, jumped over this railing, fell, and got hit by a car.Everyone thought he died. He was all fucked up, he didn't go to school for like a year, and wore this like suit of armor, one arm completely encased in this plastic sling, and his neck and torso were completely covered. Another dude, can't remember his name was getting jumped by these two guys, he busted up their faces, and got away. One of the dudes grabbed an umbrella and was going all over campus, covered in blood, screaming to find this dude. Shit was wild. Another dude got stabbed in the ass with a pencil, nobody liked him though so it wasn't a big deal. You know that movie soul surfer? Where the girl gets her arm bit off, well a bitch at my school got her arm bit off too. Shit was crazy. Nobody got in the water to help her, she was thrashing around and screaming. There's a video somewhere. Just kidding, but I did see that female surfer who lost an arm at a taco del mar once.