So, at 12:45 am last night, my dealer calls me and wakes me up to tell me he can get some Ecstacy. I've never done it before, though. I"ve done almost every drug at least once, except Ecstacy and H. I've never really intended on trying Ecstacy, mostly because I don't feel like searching for it. But, now.. hmm.. maybe. When I asked the price he says "15...." I'm assuming thats a hit. I was really tired, and told him I'd call him today. That just sounds expensive as fuck. What is the average price for X?
i pay 10 to 15 a pop depending on amount in getting. DO IT!!! havent you heard? thizz is what it izz mang! by far the best drug ever and i say that having tried crack and h b4 so get like 3 thizzles and hang on to your hat bro.
15 is pretty high. But, you could be getting purer pills for that price. Go for it. You'll like it. Then hate it. Have fun.
yeah its so good if everyone took x the whole world would get along.... and then world war 3 would start in the morning!
Exactly. But, An ecstasy pill is probally THE dirtiest drug you'll find. Coke is normally cut with baking soda or something similar. Ecstasy is a smorgasboard of drugs. It's fine and fun every once and awhile, But is actually really bad for you. Remember, keep things in moderation.
Here they go for $20 a pop. I can pick them up for like $3 a pop if i want 200 or more though. $15 is not bad imo. I havent done x in over 3 years due to how much i once did, at one point in time i would take 8 a week. I finally got over that shit though.
You haven't lived, until you've thizzzzed. It's amazing. I'd take at 2 your first time. crush em up and mix it in a shot of orange juice. Find a girl you like and ask her to thizz with you. You'll find out hella shit about her, and prolly make a great impression on her as well. Also, get some glow sticks and some bomb ass techno CD's. Stay hydrated, but don't drink a shit ton of water. if your not dancing around.moving around alot, then 1-2 glasses of water an hour would be enough. Enjoy, and PM me if you need anymore help and i dont reply on this thread
That sounds..uh, I don't know how else to describe it - disgusting. Why not just: A) Bomb B) Time-Bomb C) Sniff ?
15 aint bad AT ALL for good pills. If you get GOOD ass pills for under $15 your just lucky to live in a area where X is mad florida, bombs down there are like $10. However in MANY places especially pa/ny/nj GOOD bombs go for $20 all the time. Mid grade pills are $10 or $15. Mind you I say $20 for gooooood pills like G-ladys, sunflowers, any other high pill with a real high mdma content. Thats all I buy though so im used to taking $20 bombs. I usually get em for $15 anyways tho cause i usually grab like 20ish at a time. Think about it.... A really good E pill will fuck you up for 5-7 hours if you have a low tolerance. $15 for that is CHEAAP compared to other drugs, know what Im sayin? Especially since E is so intense.
I've paid anywhere from $3 to $20 for a pill, it all depends on the person, potency, and how much the person has and how much they got it for. Most pills seem to go for $10-$15, like JWS said. I was pretty much where you are at when I had my first pill, I was kinda intrigued by it but didnt wanna bother trying to find it. I did, and I must That was over two years ago and I've never had a feeling like I wanted or needed to do it again, but I have done it about 4 or 5 times in the past year and every time was great. There is really no feeling like that anywhere else, I cant explain the feeling to you. Here are my reccomendations for a good roll: 1) Have friends with you! Close friends, not acquaintances. Have some roll with you if they will, but make sure at least one is COMPLETELY sober just in case. Make sure at least one person is rolling with you though, otherwise its pretty bland when you're just rolling by yourself. 2) Drink water! But dont drink too much. Limit yourself to about 1 water bottle or glass of water for every 45 minutes to an hour. The number one cause of ER visits on MDMA is overexhaustion and dehydration, which pretty much go hand in hand. If you are dancing a lot, make sure you ALWAYS have water with you, and you will be perfectly fine. However, try not to drink more than I have suggested, just like you can become dehydrated from not drinking enough, you can over hydrate yourself - this is called water intoxication, which is just as dangerous as not drinking enough. 3) Keep yourself busy. Dance, listen to music, watch TV or a movie, play guitar, whatever. I've noticed that the only time I felt at all weird during a roll, was when I was idle. If you find yourself feeling odd, do something normal that you enjoy. If you are a big gamer, put on a videogame. I can see by your username that you are a guitarist as well, and playing guitar while rolling was not only one of the most fun things I've done, but it helps to sort of 'familiarize' the whole thing and it helps to take your mind off the bad stuff. 4) If you somehow (and I say somehow because the drug is so damn good) find yourself in a bad mood, just remember that its only a drug. All the bad things in your mind are created by your mind, and its just that easy to force them out. Above all, just have fun. Ecstasy is a shitload of fun.