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Hmm what the heck is wrong with this batch of QWISO?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by The Legend, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. A friend of mine wanted me to show him how to make qwiso so I had him bring over a large box of trim from an unknown purple strain he has been growing hydroponically. The trim was frozen for 3 hours, soaked for 10 seconds in 99% iso, and then shaken vigorously for 15 seconds before being strained for the first time.

    Upon straining we realized something wasn't right, the strained alcohol was not the golden honey color we expected but rather a dark purple. The only thing I could think of that may have caused this is a possible build up of nutrients due to poor gardening.

    Any ideas or comments...

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  2. if it was a really deep purple strain it will be purple....... i found this out when it comes to keif too.. keif off of any regular kinda bud is like a goldish-yellowish color...... and off like real purple shit is purple..... and ive had hash thats been almost completely purple too.
  3. thats pretty odd.. would the nutes cause a purple color though?
    you should look at the leftovers when they're dry and see if they've lost a noticable ammount of purple coloring.

    idk, shits weird. could be the 99% pulled the color out of the leaves with some of the cannabinoids. i've never used anything but 91..
  4. maybe you got a koolaid plant :)
  5. I'm gonna back this one up. seems logical, but i'm curious to hear what someone else a bit more knowledgeable on this situation has to say.
  6. I know it's driving me insane...I have it drying under a large box fan and it should be dry within the hour. I'll post pictures of the finished product when it's done.
  7. oh yeah and I've used the 99% iso about a million times before this so I know it's not the alcohol...

  8. try the 70% iso if its funky.
  9. purple pigment=purple qwiso

    seems logical :confused:
  10. well in hashmouf's tutorial he used purple trimmings and his came out alright, im sure itll be fine.
  11. his trim was a lighter purple and he used 91%. i don't think anything will be wrong with the hash.

    now that i think about it, if the plant was a deep, dark purple it kinda makes sense the end product would have a purp tint.. idk, i've also never frozen the trim for more than 45 mins.. could that have an effect? who knows.. purple tinted hash on the way tho.

  12. I always keep trim in the freezer, sometimes for weeks or even months at a time.
  13. That does look really crazy.

    Obivously the jar, container and screens are clean. I almost want to say 'fuck it, smoke it anyways' and I figure you'll try it. Very curious to hear the outcome.
  14. Yeah weird.. wtf
  15. I agree with this.
  16. WTF? Its like someone stabbed barney.
  17. "That's some hash that got cold or the grower turned down the temperature on the hash"


  18. im high and i jsut read that and just lmao
  19. very interesting...please post the after pics
  20. It's been four hours.

    He obviously left us hangin.

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