whenever I get in confrontations and theres girls around you can tell there getting all wet off of it. Why are women so crazy? If i saw a woman verbally fighting with someone I'd think there ill tempered and would want nothing to do with them. They might kill me when im sleeping. f**k.
My ex had an obsession with bald basasses. They all like men who can handle themselves, confidence is a thing.
Yeah, cause Orange County is where all the gangsta badasses hang...... Take a trip to South Boston, then tell about how you "could kill anyone if they force me to".
fool shut the fuck up. in my hood i got almost 90% mexican. aint nothing like LA compton watts inglewood LBC SAnta ana but we get down. dont care where you live if you get down you get down.
who the fuck said i was a gangster? you retard im a thug http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=thug thugs can like metallica you fucking faggot. i hate ignorant people shoot them all dead!
wanna meet me somewhere and actually get down? oh right right your not localdamn, where did all these trolls come from
this is wonderful. this hate parade. imagine there was a love parade right next to it guess what will overpower what? love conquers all. trolls fuck off and die
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fc44Z1hVpQ&feature=related lets make this a worthwile thread. chris tucker runs from the police what a badass. I'd love to chill with stars just to pick there minds
a flamewar is brewing not a shin dig http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shindig perfection of language is perfection
Just because it's your thread doesn't mean you can't troll. This is a STONER community, we don't call each other faggots, threaten to fight and kill each other. How does that sound like a stoner to you AT ALL? You're trolling, asking for trouble, plain and simple. You are in GRASSCITY'S house, and the door is that way ---->