Hi everybody. I'm 43 years old and I started smoking about a month ago. I'm a professional in the media industry. I tried the herb in college but it never "did" anything for me that alcohol couldn't. Recently though, stress at home and work has become a real nightmarish problem. I got tired of the daily drinking, upping my anti-depressants and justifying to my doc why I needed benzo's. So, knowing that my stepdaughter smokes, I asked her to hook me up. Since then, I've been smoking 3-4 times a week, and my life is better for it. Kind of funny....in my younger days I was convinced that pot was evil (Catholic upbringing, very conservative). I remember giving people shit for smoking. Boy have things changed. I owe some apologies. But we're all products of our environment, and mine was harshly anti-pot throughout my childhood. Now I'm old and wise enough to see the lies and the hypocrisy that was fed to me by just about everybody in authority. Fuck. I'm hoping to connect with some other older professionals who may be lurking here, who have discovered the herb a little later in life than most, to share experiences. God knows I'm the only person I know who's anything like me who tokes up. Anyway, thanks for reading, and peace. I'm headed to the sun room to spark a smallish bowl.
Hi there young fella. Welcome to the City. I discovered it early on but, after 7 or 8 years of responsible toking, I had to take a break for 17 years (career risk). Been toking again since 99. It truely can be a great asset. Venture around and check out some of the forum offerings. You may enjoy some of the reading and prsonal stories in the medical section. Please take the time to review some of the stickies, especially the forum guidelines. Don't react to the few trolls that occassionally appear (especially in anger). Enjoy your new digs and welcome again.
Hi OlderT, I'm glad to meet ya, I'm new too since yesterday. I am older too, but not gonna say any nasty numbers. I'm happily married, but looking to make friends. I have some Christian roots as well. I hope to see you around.
Similar story here. Smoked a little in HS and college. Stopped when it was legal to drink. Had a puff at 34 years old after leaving the military and haven't looked back. It has helped me in so many ways. I wish I had started again sooner.
Hi hon! I'm "Granny" and I've been toking longer than you've been alive! Using cannabis for stress qualifies you as a medical user, so you may be interested in the more medical end of things. I collect MMJ and cannabinoid articles and studies, and I offer my "Granny Storm Crow's List" free for the asking! Jest check out the bottom of my sig, and send me an email. To give you an idea of what my List is like here are a couple of my favorites. You should take the time to read them, seems like cannabis is good for a LOT more than "just" getting high! Pot compound seen as tool against cancer (news – 2012) http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Pot-compound-seen-as-tool-against-cancer-3875562.php#page-1 Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's (news - 2006) http://www.webmd.com/alzheimers/news/20061006/marijuana-may-slow-alzheimers Dope hope for stroke victims (news - 1998) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/126181.stm I also have the studies that the articles are based on, but those articles are enough to get most folk's interest! If you have been curious about trying edibles, BadKittySmiles is your go-to gal! She has created some delightful recipes and gives detailed instructions. She will take you FAR beyond "hippie brownies"! BadKat's CannaPharm: -Linked- Table of Contents (forum post - 2012) http://forum.grasscity.com/blogs/badkittysmiles/30689-badkats-cannapharm-linked-table-contents.html One last thing, please take your Omega 3! It is much more than "just" heart-healthy! Omega 3 is necessary for the proper creation of the CB1 receptors. Besides getting you high, the CB1 receptors control your mood (depression, etc), fight cancers and a few thousand other little things. The first article focuses on the brain effects and describes how the receptors are defective "duds"! The second, looks at the effect of non-functional receptors in one type of cancer. Omega-3 deficiency disrupts cannibinoid receptor function in brain (news – 2011) http://www.wellsphere.com/general-medicine-article/omega-3-deficiency-disrupts-cannibinoid-receptor-function-in-brain/1347465 Turned-Off Cannabinoid Receptor Turns On Colorectal Tumor Growth (news - 2008) http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/08/080801074056.htm And since the CB1 receptors located in the hippocampus part of the brain are the ONLY thing that gets you high, too many duds can also cut into that very enjoyable cannabis high! Have fun at GC! Granny
Welcome to the City... I see icgreen has welcomed you as well as other members.. The city is a great place to unwind and shoot the shit with like minded people. If ya need anything just holler.... Im a lil older...then you.. and I lead professional life..engineer... There are many of us.. glad you found the city Yoda..