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hitting a plateau

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by killaman, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. yo does anyone hit a point of being so high/stoned that its mindnumbing to the point where you just dont think about stuff much at all and mostly zone out? obviously the strain etc plays a large part of this but does anyone have any tips to avoid zoning out too much? like mind activities or anything? this doesnt always happen to me but i've noticed its becoming more and more frequent. (daily smoker for over a year).

  2. do different things while you smoke, get a new piece, try rolling j' or blunts. gotta switch it up!
  3. Don't smoke so much.
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  4. Hi Im new here. But Ive smoked for 38 years and heavily the last 20. I own a stressfull small buis. and had my entire best freinds family pass. Its been in my work and I wasnt getting vacas for years at a time...BUT have survived burnout mentally and physically so many times I becoming wise...about my smoking.
    You must slow down 50% for a week or 2 at those moments when weed seems to become a "zone of no purpose"
    Smoking is fun and relaxing but we mortal humans are prone to over indulge once in a while.
    Or in the case of stress or trauma we may start leaning on smoke too much. And act more like an introvert in nature without all the benefits of being an introvert!
    Introverts can be very happy and have great freinds and life...but being alone or spaced out can become one and the same!
    Haruto and Bloodbooger are right but each person is different. Bou may be blissfully young, but in a moment you can become middle aged if you zone out too much. If you dont have a lot of activities in most of your days,
    Get out and have fun and smoke up big once in a while if you like. But consider that Smoking every single day for instance can be bad for some...though the norm for others. Health and vigor. Ha ha. I sound old here. So funny.
    I mountain Bike like an animal! Though Im over 50 I can do things almost nobody can on the bike.
    But found I lose strength in the long run becoming... less active, If I smoked way too much or low quality alot.
    And almost destroyed my body several times during tough times. I smoke alot! Was slowing down...and my body felt miserable.
    And my head.
    Avoid depression! Go easy on mids!
    Get excercise in any way so you can metabolize excess stress or weed in the body.
    Feel good, you will look better, and you will get happier. Food, sex, good attitude rules! Weed can enhance your life a little..
    And can also ruin it. Enjoy life first. Enjoy smoke...but not too much. Life is better. Moderate. So you can tear it up once in a while till you are very old. A have the respect of the young, doods who cant believe you can drop them on a climb.
    Or have a beatiful babe much younger than you.
    Or whatever it is that makes you happy in the long run.
    Peace bro.
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  5. I forgot to mention that stopping entirely once in a while or moderating even under stress at times can help you feel better.
    Life is about feeling good or even great most of the time. But you gotta feel some of the pain. Sometimes.
    Too keep a good balance...Resolve know.
    I baked out too many times when I was younger and at times I felt lousy!
    I now get good excercise regularly and good food. Im also an artist and have others hobbies...
    And yes zone out on occaision!!!...but my mind is usually active. Because I live healthy first and smoke second.....................
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  6. do dabs bro

    or edibles 4204lifeyo
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  7. Ya I kind of understand what your saying. Not sure how I get rid of mine either but I'm pretty sure a short t break will get rid of that.

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  8. Switch up methods very often.
    One day, smoke some joints. Next day, take some fat bong rips. Next day, toke out on the pipe for a bit. Next day, have some edibles. Next day, vape! Next day, dabs.
    You still get high, but it's a little different each time which keeps it interesting.
    Listening to music is always a good mind exercise for me. Try listening to long, trippy instrumentals like Pink Floyd, or some progressive and complex stuff like Animals is Leaders. Gangster rap and general pop music doesn't really stimulate you as much.
    The best method I find is just smoking with other people and going out and doing stuff while high.
    I enjoy seshing at someone's house then going to the beach for a swim with some friends.
    Avoid falling into a rut, because that's when depression can start to sink in. Many people think weed cures depression, but it can also cause it.
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  9. Tolerance break. Stop for a whole day at first. Take one hit at the end of the day. You'd be amazed at just what one day will do for you.
  10. The more I learn about reality, the more i want to zone out on weed.
    You talk of zoning out like it's a bad thing. Why do you think some of us smoke it?

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