Hits From The Bong Thread!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Box of Rain, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. My all time favorite thing to smoke out of is a nice bong, something about taking one big fat rip of marijuana smoke all at once is just awsome. SO I made this thread dedicated to bongs!

    Post a pic of you hitting your bong, or maybe just a pic of your bong itself!

    Here is me hitting my new bong i got last week...

  2. hitting the monster bong... cmon GC lets see some pics! :hello:

  3. i like the bowl on your bong man! :smoking:
  4. Thanks. It's a bowl with a biult in ash catcher. :) :bongin:
  5. #6 Duckyx, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTNAbpMDWo8]YouTube - Milking the EHLE with beasters.[/ame]

    I had to upload a video of me lol...
  6. thats a legit little bong man! looks like a ripper! :D
  7. Heres another bong hit pic of me. Shitty pic sorry.

  8. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfsvXBfKzhw]YouTube - New Piece Milk Vid[/ame]
  9. no milks yet;

  10. oooo, nice roor, can't wait to see some milks of it, bet it's gonna look sick
  11. thanks dude
  12. Nice roor, but what is that taped to the ashcatcher?
  13. wow, I didn't even notice that till now. keep this thread alive guys

    my other bong:
  14. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d56a8QZAHAA]YouTube - Latest milkvid (New Camera)[/ame]
  15. nice milkvid man
  16. i wish i had enuff green to milk one up for you guys in my bubbler...
    my stash got smoked earlier tonight...
    west virginia is such a deadzone for weed or i would be making this thread over every single night

  17. i have the same question.

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