Hit by a car...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Glock Coma, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. Near death experiences seem to love me, I think I'm going to bite the dust soon =(

    I was playing hockey at my friends house... I ended up shooting the hockey ball wide and down into a catwalk. Naturally, whoever shoots it wide must go get it, so I went on my way.

    The ball went across the street at the catwalk so I waited a minute then crossed to get the ball. Everything seemed fine so I went to cross back, then out of nowhere a car is speeding right towards me. I pulled the maneuver from "the next karate kid" and jumped up in the air as it was about to smack me. I nailed the hood and rolled onto the windshield. Didn't hurt at first but later when I tried to play hockey again I noticed my knee was a little fucked up.

    The guy got out of the car panicing.. Asked me if I was okay like 101013130592395 times. I told him it was my fault, not to worry about it, etc etc. He was going to call an ambulance for me and everything. Very nice of him to get out and be willing to help, instead of being one of those hit-and-run assholes.

    His windshield had a little smash on the bottom corner from my foot, but it was in surprisingly good shape. I would have taken pictures but I didnt have my cell at the time. My friends didn't even know I got hit till I came back to the street and told them.. I'm not even surprised when this shit happens anymore. Ive had 4 near death experiences, 2 of them within the past couple months. I'm a marked man.
  2. I thought a near death experience was when you actually die and then get revived.

    For example, you have a heart attack, your dead for a while, then they use a defibrillator on you.

  3. Not at first but when I got off the car and started walking around a bit I knew my knee was a little screwy.

    I can still walk and jog on it a bit so it can't be THAT serious

    I consider a near death experience to be something that could have killed you happened randomly, and you were saved or escaped in some way
  4. Tell the other near death experiences!!!!
  5. I hope I see you in Final Destination 6 :p
  6. fucking... i almost got hit once too! didn't actually get hit but it was so scary.

    I lived on a really busy road with a gas station across the street so was always crossing back and forth.

    I dunno what happp one day there was just some kinda blind spot, a car that already went by like blocked out an oncoming car for just a sec. and in the same sec i decided to cross and as im halfway across i just look over and SHITTTTT car RIGH TFUCKING THERE!!! slow motion and everything somehow i just like sped up enough to get across barely out of the way.

    and that fucker was doin about 40 never slowed down prob never saw me due to sun in eyes or cell phone or bein high or whatever lolll
  7. In all my experiences of getting hurt during sparing, the injuries that you sustain that you can still walk on but hurt progressively MORE as time goes on, are the ones you gotta worry about.

    I would try my best to stay off that knee until you know how it's going to feel tomorrow. It feels fine right now, but there's a chance that you could permanentely fuck it up and that's just dumb.
  8. I get ghost pains in my right hand from breaking two knuckles in high school.

    You know when people says it hurts when it rains?

    That's actually true for me.
  9. I got hit once too! A couple summers ago I was on my bike, crossing the street really fast to catch up with my buddy and some bitch in a really nice SUV smashed my back wheel. I looked before I crossed too and didn't even see her. You could tell she was speeding and not paying attention. She got out of the car and was saying bye to somebody on the phone. And there was no screeching of brakes until after she hit me. She came probably 4 inches from my leg and totaled my bike. Had she been going any faster or I any slower, I have a good feeling I would've had a broken leg.
    But the whole experience was so surreal. I don't remember much except Feeling the car hit my bike and me flying off and landing in the grass on the other side of the road. Only injury was a bruised elbow which didn't even hurt. I got extremely lucky that day. But I don't regret a thing. How many people can say they've been hit by a car and was fine? I feel as if I'm in a special club now.

    P.S. I call her a bitch because she was one. She was acting like a total bitch because her bumper of her car was scratched. Cared more about the fucking car than the kid on the bike she just hit.
  10. Oh shit...
  11. #13 BuffalosoldieRx, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2011
    I've been hit by a car

    Got nailed by some drunk girl and she sped off. I was like 14. Turned out It was my friend's sister's private school friend. I only found out who it was a few months later because my friend told me how he overheard his sister talking about how her friend hit "some kid last summer when she was wasted"

    Luckily I didn't have any serious injuries except a cut on my head where it hit the pavement, and a bruise on my hip where the car hit me. A few scars from it.

    Now that I think about it, my hip hurts.
  12. What a coincidence..
  13. Reminds me of that one day when i was in 8th grade, playing with friends and stuff, i had a cast at the time and had 4 near death experiences in one day, it was hard riding a bike with a cast, and going awfully fast

  14. happend to my dad when i was in grade 3, iunno how long he ws out for but apperently it was a while :( but he's all good now :smoke:
  15. Does he ever talk about it? Does he remember anything from it? From what I know, most people who experience death have similar recollections of it.
  16. Off topic I know but I had a near death experience a while back and remember nothing from it. I was so pumped full of drugs from the hospital though that im sure thats why I cant. Hell I can barley remember the day I came out of anesthesia from them.

    Now on topic. Sucks ya got hit, glad your alright.

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