Historic victory in California today -from the MPP

Discussion in 'General' started by Jdahms, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. #1 Jdahms, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2010
    So what do you all think about this? Disappointing that it can't progress further(??) but it is a big step!
  2. Wait, so it passed yet it can't progress further I don't understand.
  3. the states is looking like a better place to live everyday.

  4. the op's post itself says its only the beginning, so i dont know why op is saying it cant progress..

    thats fucking AWESOME!!!! this is so great. great news and good vibes to mj user that reads this. incredible
  5. Smoke to that :smoking:
  6. It can't progress for awhile because a bunch of middle aged men have to sit in a room and examine all the possible reprucushions of the law change.

    Thats my understanding on it, I could be wrong though. Govermental structure and procedure isn't my strong point by far. Basicly thats what I've interpreted happens when a law gets passed around here.

  7. good point, i see what you're saying.

    well i guess they have to take these small steps as a precaution. But this gives huge hopes for great things for the legalization of MJ, especially now that theres people with power who are on our side, or undestand the situation WITH the power to VOTE!!

    YESSS. only the beginning, even though it';; be a while till theres change in cali, better believe more and more reform will be happening in other states

  8. I'm so confused, I thought it was being voted on by the citizens of California in November of this year???
  9. Please for the love of god let this pass and then maybe progress can be made in other states if all goes well with it.
  10. The fact that it passed speaks volumes though, this is big.
  11. oh hell yeahz :cool:
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWOsbGP5Ox4]YouTube - 2Pac - California Love[/ame]
  12. I'll take my victories where I can. Sounds like it's got an uphill battle in front of it, but good news is good news..

  13. sorry guys i have to say it...


  14. Sounds like a trap.
  15. YAY

    i knew it would happen!

    i guess the bill is gunna have to chill out for now
  16. Ok I went to norml.org here's what they say:

    So basically it will be voted on again soon...

    Fuckers.....all police people for the most part!
  17. This news really excites me. Oh man I could so move to California.

    California would be like paradise if it weren't for liberalism run amok.


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKm65xLpwIM]YouTube - Telecasts 6 - Times they are a-changin' - Bob Dylan[/ame]

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