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Hip hop/Rap white people

Discussion in 'General' started by bushsmokerkushsmoker, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. From a young age I've enjoyed rap and hip hop, I was never influenced by others what I listened to and naturally became a fan of rap for a whole range of reasons. Anyway I have been to various show, gigs festivals etc and a large proportion of the audience has been black. I am white myself and have always felt not really involved when I'm there and isolated because of my heritage and as if I couldn't properly join in. Is this all in my head and I don't stand out as much as I think. At the end of the day it's music I'm not going to change my music tastes for anyone, but my question is I suppose do you believe white people stand out at solely rap and hip hop concerts those of you that go or is it me being selfconscious? - Ben
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  2. I think that the hip hop industry is one of the few, more obvious examples of black vs. white discrimination. lol
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  3. No youre not self conscious about it, accurate

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  4. Idk i dont really think of it. "Every squad needs a white guy"
  5. I went to a wutang concert a long time ago. I was disappointed. Rap music in a live setting dosnt cut it.
  6. i can guarantee that everyone will be too busy looking at their phones to even notice you.

    concerts fucking suck now because of smartphones.
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  7. Learn to pop and lock.

    Bitches love pop and lock.:coolalt:
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  8. phones should be banned from concerts.

    op, dont worry about it to much, just let the music sink in.
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  9. About the phones ...Fuck yes they should be banned haha, but yeah I guess maybe it is just me
  10. Nah there is a lot of white people who like rap and hip hop. My man is white and its all he listens to.

    nothing wrong with that.
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  11. Funny how that is yet, the best hip hop artist of all time happens to be white.

    Yup, I said it.
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  12. #12 Mr.Grey420, Apr 4, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
    Let me tell you the story of a little mafack who thought he wasnt good enough for rap J to the R O C[​IMG][​IMG]

    -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
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  13. Probably a culture clash of shock, being immersed in a sea of people opposite of your norm. I would easily say the same feeling would overcome me if I were to attend a country show (provided I enjoyed country music, that is.)
    On a side note I never attend shows probably due to anxiety of open spaces crowded with people.
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  14. agreed man. some of the biggest names (like when I saw Juicy J) just rap over their goddamn song! as in they're yelling into the mic over their already recorded vocals. What the hell? I can hear that in my car for the free.

    Also the smart phones thing... yes. Phones should be banned. I just heard of some musician... fuck, who was it? If anyone can tell me I would appreciate it, but just recently I heard of some performer (I think it was a rock singer) who told other audience members to beat someone's ass in the crowd that was recording the show. I don't necessarily think they should have their ass beat for doing that, but if they were already warned, then yes.

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  15. There are some rappers that have live bands - if you've never seen The Coup, you should get on that immediately. And I've been to rap shows that was just your average MC/DJ set-up. Sometimes it's nothing special, sometimes it's pretty damned great. Just depends on who's performing.

    Anyways, just keep going to check shows out. You'll get a lot less self-conscious after a while. For the most part, nobody's really paying attention to anyone else for more than a couple of seconds anyways, so as long as you're not consistently running into trouble I wouldn't worry about it at all.
  16. I can see how some people would find it a little odd. But from what I see, white people are getting recognized in the game more and more, maybe on an underground level, but thats where the real hearts at i feel.

    I won't say i haven't felt like i was looked at oddly for enjoying this musician over that one, especially in hip hop, but i've found that a majority of people who enjoy hip hop don't care about ethnicity, more about the vibe you bring.
  17. question isn't whether your suspicions are valid but whether you should give a fuck. do you, man.
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  18. Lil Wayne isn't white? Just fucking with you I hate that guy
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  19. I suppose not otherwise I'd change my tastes
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  20. who are you talking about?

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