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Hindu Kush!!! Macros, and a milk video :)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by JECBoards, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. Just got a gram of some Hindu Kush. This is the best bud iv smoked yet. Very fruity smell. Really good head high for the first 30-45 minuets, than goes into a couch lock. It also helps with my back pain :)... or that could still be the percs... The pictures are alittle less than a gram, probably .8. Im in love with this bud.













    Let me know what you think. :bongin:
  2. Man this shit looks good!!! I wanna eat all of that shit!
  3. lol me too. i wish computers had smell-o-vision :(
  4. Fluffy, fluffy dank! That shit looks like it was taken care of, enjoy :smoke:
  5. very nice and good pictures!
  6. It looks like some funk dude!!!! Nice pickup. How's the smell, earthy and skunky?
  7. It has a fruity skunk stench. i love it. i can smell it through my grinder. its almost all gone. had my guy put a 1/8 on hold for me im going to pick it up tonight. cant wait. ill post pictures later.
  8. those little buds lookk scrumptous...:hello::hello:
  9. i never wanted those pictures to end as i was scrolling down. that looks amazing
  10. damn! nice pick up man.. only one prob with pickin up weed like that: you smoke it too fast :smoke:

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