Wow. So much for rational discussion on drug policy with the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Can
Hmm, her logic is infallible. Legalizing drugs will definately be in the traffickers favor, because then they'll be able to make it better and cheaper then big, legal commercial industries that have money going out the anus. Oh wait...
She made it blatantly obvious that she is completely out of touch with the reality of this crisis, as is the rest of Obama's administration.
Wait, I still fail to see how legalizing drugs helps traffickers. The only reason the price of drugs is high is because they are illegal and there is some inherent risk getting involved with something illegal. So, if they were legal these traffickers would be out of the business and have to get another job, right? Although, it is pretty obvious that there is a killing to be made continuing the war on drugs.
Wait, do you guys really think Clinton has a humans, much less an American humans, best interest in mind? Thats cool, I used to have some faith in the government and whatnot too. Now I'm stockin up on seeds and distilled water
Shes not lieing, the government makes millions off of drug dealers property/dirty money. The US governments first priority is money especially with all the debt we have.
? How can these guys make money off of the deflated prices on drugs as a result of legalization? There is so much wrong with this statement, I don't even know where to begin...
I'm looking forward to reading NORML's rebuttal. I mean, we all know they're gonna have one for this load of crap.
I thought the same thing. But the reality is that. When prop 19 came out in cali. They wanted to tax oz's $100 ea. Directly going to the state. With that being said. A $350 oz is gonna be like $450. Unless the suppliers/stores etc. Decide to sell it cheaper to keep it about the same price.... weed is like gold or silver there is a lot of money in its lbs. The governtment knows this... so on the federal side of things. They are just stupid.... they think about $ and since we can grow it. They can't make any $ off it... Like in nevada it takes like $350 or so to get your card. About $225 goes just to the state.. So yeah I feel you and I thought the same. But when I really thought about it. It makes perfect sence that since its legal they would price this even more. In effect pushing "bootleggers" and stuff. Like we do now.. selling it for cheaper under the table. Kina like moonshine was in the 50s... Or they could just say fuck it.. but that's highly doubtfull Just me 2cents
It's rare to see any anti-legalization comments on news posts anymore. Did we win or did they just give up posting?
A couple more reasons... If MJ was legalized. many DEA agents would more than likely be out of work that would affect the economy. Employment is the biggest concern in our country and the FEDs don't want to look any worse than than they do at present.... Just what happens to all the stacks of money you see on pallets stacked to the ceiling seized in drug raids??. Is suppose to be used for fighting the war on drugs. With all the billions seized you would think drugs would be under controll by now. Obviously the FEDS and officials are lining their pockets and mis informing the citizens.. What happens to all the seized MJ...Are we to actually believe they burn it to a crisp...When you see the FEDS burning a field of MJ it is because they want us to believe they burn all seized MJ, but actually a growing crop is of no value to the FEDS, as processed MJ. Seems this seized money actually belongs to Americans and should go back into the economy or, help pay off the national debt, as the war on drugs in America is not working and getting even worse... It's all about money and has no political gain for the FEDS to legalize MJ at present.
People still care what politicians say? They day something other than pure shit spews out of one of their mouths, is the day the creation of the universe is no longer a theory. I.E never or not anytime soon. They keep slowly taking away our freedoms. I'll bet my life that within ten years all public restrooms will have cameras, and within twenty the RFID chips and cameras in our own homes.
“You can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped.†-Clinton states Small amounts in some states is considered 100g or less. I'm on board with that. If I could cultivate one healthy plant a year, then I'd say we're on the right track.
If they were legal they could cut the expenses involved in smuggling, they could ship it in by the semi-load. Illegals need to spend bribe money, build tunnels under the boarder, pay lots of smugglers to bring it in in small loads that can be fit into passenger cars, small boats and the like, pay guards on the shipments, and pay a distribution network in the US. That all has to mount up to a serious amount of money. Although, could you imagine being able to just go to any <however they decide to legally distribute> store and shop for weed? *sigh* I would kill for amsterdam style coffee and weed houses here. I swear if they legalized it, I would do whatever I could to open a coffee and weed place, I would probably name it Cafe Amsterdam
Actually I think what is more important to politicians is how to keep inner city individuals employed and keep money flowing into the urban neighborhoods without illegal drugs. Some communities would literally be devastated without the drug trade. Not that I think this is a good reason to keep drugs illegal.
Hillary clitons quote is evidence that legalization can happen with activism. The fear tactics are used to induce fear so nobody takes action, and does something like I do, like post posters up in the city. That poster sure does look good in Niagara falls. Imagine someone in new york or a busy city puts a poster up like that for millions to see. I observed more positive feedback, I posted some more of those posters in mcdonalds, home depot, zehrs today. I am 24, high school kids should be doing this, I should have too, so I am making up for my lack of action then, today. Post that poster in high schools this WORKS.