Hillary Clinton About Obama: you Cant Trust The Mother Fu(%er.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tripace, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. #1 Tripace, Jun 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2014
    Hmm, seems all is not so well within the ranks. I do wonder if this would affect her bid for the POTUS seat once he goes out? What do you all think? I'm not sure how much "help" he could really give her, short of an endorsement, but if he's not even willing to give that much, maybe it would give her somewhat of a disadvantage.
  2. When I see a video (not hearsay) of her saying that, then I'll believe it..
    ya...seems more a case of someone making a claim at a time it could cause her some political harm...not that she doesn't have a right to say what millions say, but come on...shes a card carrying jackass, just like the potus...they are buddies... :devious:
  4. The author is a hack and the mainstream knows this. In his other book "the amature, he states that he still believes Obama is a muslim.  :smoke:
    NEW YORK - Edward Klein was in his 11th year as editor of the New York Times Magazine when on two consecutive weeks in July 1987 the prestigious Sunday supplement was cited in editors' notes for lapses in editorial judgment. During Klein's tenure the magazine had some notable successes, such as winning a Pulitzer Prize, but it also suffered other high-profile missteps, including publication of a fabricated tale about Khmer Rouge guerrillas in Cambodia.
    By October 1987, Klein had departed from the newspaper, and thus began his journey from influential editor to conservative author of bestsellers about powerful figures: the Kennedys, Katie Couric, Hillary Rodham Clinton and, most recently, President Obama. The evolution of his career has raised eyebrows among liberals and conservatives, and the highly personal portraits he crafts have prompted questions about sourcing, accuracy and intent.
  5. Believing any politician requires a suspension of disbelief imo.
  6. oh well, short lived excitement :D
    Not to defend this author, but there is evidence that Obama was at a time, or still is, a Muslim. (not that it would make any difference to me, just saying)
  8. #8 Sam_Spade, Jun 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2014
    Another questionable quality post.
    You must be joking, I'd love to see this so called "evidence". :smoke:
  10. I dont need Hilary to tell me that I shouldnt trust Obama, nor do I think America needs to be told.
    I don't find all of this 'evidence' to be compelling, but some of the testimony is convincing.
    I think Bill's assumptions about Obama's ties to Sunni extremists is completely off, and his judgement about foreign policy and the 'terrorist threat' is laughable.
  12. Is an Obama endorsement something candidates are going to want in 2016?
  13. I don't want Hillary as president either.
    My woman and I were talking and if we have a woman president she wants a Latino woman, one who has worked a real job, raised a big family and knows how to get shit done right. A real bitch who will kick congress in the ass.  :)
  14. i dont blame hillary for having trust issues. her husband is a straight up player for life 
    so she and bill didn't say those things?
  16. from CBS NY
  17. Just one pile of shit bad mouthing another.
  18. #18 Jay726, Jun 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2014
    another lieing democrat trying to appeal to the voters who dont know there ass from a hole in the ground.that plus illegals are the only thing keeping the democratic party alive
    Rather baseless, but go ahead and believe the lies you listen to. :smoke:
  20. I'll ask again. Does anyone want this guy's endorsement? They (dems) were trying to distance themselves from him around the midterm elections. 
    Then again, "4 MOAR YEARS! 4 MOAR YEARS!" 

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