Hilarous Jamaican Pot Smuggling Attempt from 1979

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by dirtydingusus, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLXMkdAXDZw&NR=1&feature=fvwp]YouTube - Hilarous Jamaican Pot Smuggling Attempt from 1979[/ame]
  2. 530 lbs for 225000!? wut a deal
  3. no shit right!

    got to admit that was a hell of a way to sneak it in!
  4. bump- some of you have to appreciate this
  5. as both a vinyl and marijuana enthusiast, this is the shit haha

    too bad they got busted
  6. haha thats crazy
  7. Maybe not. That looks like real shit "bud."

    Nice find OP I like these old videos.
  8. haha does anyone else notice when news ppl talk about bud they ALWAYS says high quality marijuana or other shit like that
  9. Lol, looks like shitty weed.
  10. I love how the ad at the bottom of the video is for drug rehab. :D
  11. In 1977 Jamaica didn't have anything BUT dirt weed. It wasn't until Dutch and American growers gave them some decent seeds and information about growing that they grew anything worth smoking. Even the small amount of Lambs Bread, or Tyme Weed they had back then was ruined by improper curing.

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