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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mk9391, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Wat did you do today?(or whenever ur highventure was

    im just gonna say wat i did yesterday cuz thats my highventure
    I woke up with me and my best bud (pun intended) and we vaked and baked with my new MFLB (which i highly recommend and is amazing so far. Then we got breakfast at this bagel place (bagels are excellent munchies but also great breakfast and this was both!). after that we went to the park and smoked a J and then vaped on the way to a friends house. when we got there we vaped on his roof. ( yes most of this story is just smoking/vaping in random places) then we ordered chinese food and feasted! pork steamed dumplings are the shit btw.

    so anyway then i left and went home for an hour and vaped there too of course. i got back and met up with my friends again and we vaped (repetitive i know lol) I was incredibly high the whole day it was the BEST! I vaped about 5 more times but the story isn t very interesting (although it was incredible)

    so whats your story?
    (mine isn t that thrilling to you but for me it was AWESOME!)
  2. walmart.. that's about it haha. had a feast when i got home though :smoke:
  3. bump.....

  4. word. walmart is the shit when you're high haha. :D

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