HighMDb - Movies And Shows To Watch While High (iMDB for stoner moviegoers)

Discussion in 'Movies' started by TioW42, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Hey check out this site. It's basically a imdb for stoners. You can rate a movie out of 10 and how high are you from 1-5 for a review. There's gunna be big updates according to the subreddit like comments,forum,news,make articles,make top 10 list's like iMDB's,a way to see what my friends are watching and see if you can stream the movie on service on netflix sites like Can I Stream.It?: Search Netflix, Hulu, Google Play, iTunes, and more, for movies to stream instantly, rent, and buy. . There also might be a news feed like see what your friends have rated,forums threads,new trailers,news,articles,top 10 lists,what people are sharing,what movies are getting rated and they should be some sort of "movie of the day" where the highest rated movie gets put on the top of the news feed as well. Tell me what do you think of it and what should be added? - HighMDb - Movies And Shows To Watch While High

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