And I made it into a GigaPan, where you can zoom in and out and move around. NASA's image is still lower quality (the one they have up) and the stitching is not correct on some areas. Plus their sky is messed up. Look at mine: GigaPan: Mars - from Curiosity And NASA's. Click the link and then the image and compare ours. Mars Exploration Program: Images So I currently have the highest resolution image of Mars besides what NASA says they're working on (still not complete according to the MSL Deputy Project Scientist [via email]). He said that they threw theirs together in a hurry for the public. Then how come a person with NO imagery experience could pull that off? He also said he attached the next one they are working on, but I never got it.... Hmmm.... Enjoy Mars in all of it's glory! Worked hard on this and the white blocks (missing data) will be filled in when I get them (the images are available to the public). Here's where I get the raw images: Mars Science Laboratory: Raw Images
Of all the people here on GC who were bitching about seeing Mars in the highest resolution possible and crying because the images weren't in yet. I went through all this work for YOU people. Not for me.
Since nobody else will, I'll take the liberty to thank you. Great work, and with the 45 people who viewed this thread, you would at least get one thank you Once again, good job! What happened with that email to NASA? They mad you're pana shit on their's? Lol
You tell me: The Mars Science Laboratory Deputy Project Scientist is going to show the people we saw on TV the image I made! Well, how 'bout that! And thanks for the kudos. Really appreciate it. It's sad how people are so dumbed down these days and only care about the most retarded shit. People who work in places like NASA are the real heroes and rockstars. Anyways, I can't tell if they liked it or not. No reply. And their old version is still up. Regardless, still cool that the NASA/JPL team are checking out my pano!
hey i said stuff before.. you totally deleted that thread though lol. thats pretty damn cool though, that theyre showing the NASA team your version.
Yeah, I did. I didn't want this thread to show up on Google like it was, but then I thought about it: IDGAF. If he even is... And even if he is, the people who get paid so much will probably think I'm stealing their thunder and making them look bad. That's not the intention. I'm just so excited about this mission and the images that I HAD to make that pano. And it happened to be better than theirs. Do you know how that feels? Good on my part, but they can take it the wrong way. I just want help and share - that's all. I don't want anything from it. I even offered to give it to them for free. All he has is the 60MB JPG, but that won't cut it. I have the 457 MB .TIFF right here. All backed up. Plus it's on GigaPan which is BADASS. I outdid myself, and I NEVER give myself credit.
They're missing. They have thumbnails of the missing data (not full rez), but you can't stitch a small thumbnail to a 1200x1200 image - it just doesn't work (I tried). So yeah, the white spaces are just missing images/date. The second they pop up, I will complete the mosaic.
Hehe, no prob. My pleasure. Sick! It looks like my avatar guy is jiggling the goats balls, and the goat is liking it!
[quote name='"iMPREPREX"'] They're missing. They have thumbnails of the missing data (not full rez), but you can't stitch a small thumbnail to a 1200x1200 image - it just doesn't work (I tried). So yeah, the white spaces are just missing images/date. The second they pop up, I will complete the mosaic.[/quote] Ohhhh ok, I get it now, good shit, can't wait for the complete one, so I can make it my wallpaper.
Nice. But why not make real wall paper out of it? Hmm? And you would need the non-GigaPan version (or not) to make desktop wallpaper. You would need the hi rez .BMP or something. I gotcha. I already made wallpaper of the blast tracks. Try this out in the meantime: If you like it, download it quick. I don't know when the image hosting site will take it down... Oh, nice stitching job! Damn!
[quote name='"dom12"']Since nobody else will, I'll take the liberty to thank you. Great work, and with the 45 people who viewed this thread, you would at least get one thank you Once again, good job! What happened with that email to NASA? They mad you're pana shit on their's? Lol[/quote] Its from the moral decline in this country from taking prayer out of schools At least that's what my Mon posted On Facebook lok
This guy ^^^. What next? I didn't even get that, btw. I have no idea what you're even implying. I think you just might be the 2.3k post troll! But as I always say to and about trolls - thanks for bumping my thread! That's the one thing that always works against you. And what's a "Mon"? Monday? Your Monday told ya somethin?
Here's the torrent file to the 457 MB .TIFF: 65 MB .JPG. Smaller ones coming.
nah man i think theyd be happier that there are people out there so interested in what theyre doing, theyd be willing to spend their own free time to make what theyre doing just that much more enjoyable to people. i know if i was posting up pics of my garden each day, and people decided to take that into a progression video, id be damn excited that people were so interested in what im doing. i just wonder what the exact number of people it is that made these panoramics in such high quality.
You mean NASA's or mine? According to the email from the scientist, he said he was going to show "the team". So that's more than one. The one you have I just took from those 1200x1200 images and stitched them. But yeah, the Dr. also said that other people do this other than NASA - with better results than NASA. So I'm not special. I'm just happy my first try yielded that. And I like the idea of the garden video. That's science. Was the film made? If so, let's see it - start a thread!
nah, i started taking weekly pictures and had a thread, but nobody was posting and i was having a hell of a time trying to figure out picture posting. next year when i can consider myself a farmer i might try, but it might be too much work.
Nice work Imperex Not gonna lie though, Mar's is pretty damn barren and desolate. Hard to imagine that planet could've ever been green in it's past.
[quote name='"iMPREPREX"']This guy ^^^. What next? I didn't even get that, btw. I have no idea what you're even implying. I think you just might be the 2.3k post troll! But as I always say to and about trolls - thanks for bumping my thread! That's the one thing that always works against you. And what's a "Mon"? Monday? Your Monday told ya somethin?[/quote] Its a joke dude chill out. It made perfect sense the Guy said no one was being grateful I said it was from moral decline. In defibatly not a troll you should probly read my posts since you claimed that all my posts are instigating. Its just not true. Also Mon is obviously mom LOL. Even a fifth grader can tell when something is a typo.