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High times questions...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cameronfield, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 cameronfield, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Ok first of all, for some reason I cannot for the life of me make a thread with a phrase other than 'test' right it just times out on me :(. I had to make this thread, and then edit in both the title and the body...weird...

    Anyways, so I'm wanting to get a subscription to high times, but I've got a couple questions...

    1) Do they offer discreet shipping? I'd rather my neighbors/mailman/the entire world not know that I smoke weed lol

    2) Do you guys think it's worth the $30/year? Seems like the best weed magazine around...

    Thanks blades!!
  2. I dont know about the shipping but I used to buy hightimes mag religiously
    then I stopped...
    dont get me wrong, it probably is the best "weed" mag out there (even if it has a bunch of bullshit ads in it)

    you are viewing, in my opinion one of the best resources right now.
    what you can learn here at GC will far outweigh anything in a hightimes mag.
    and the best part is Grasscity it "green"
    theres no magazine here to throw away when youre done with it.

    i havent bought a hightimes in a very long time.
  3. I'll ditto that.

    High times was cool as shit when I was 17. I still think it is AWESOME that we have HT as well as a few others sometimes at regular bookstores. It legitimizes us in a stupid way. Even if it makes us look bad it still says we require not 1 but 3 open face slots on the magazine rack.

    You don't see magazines named "tweak" promoting meth for instance. Even if HT makes us look dumb it says we exist.

    To answer what you actually asked. Yes I'm pretty sure they use discreet shipping, but email them or check the faq on their site. And other than supporting them on philosophic grounds, I'd say no. The internet is really made printed pot media pretty obsolete. You can find all the weed pics, what people payed for it, how to grow, what tv shows stoners are watching, etc. All free online. No need for scattered articles.

    BUT on the flip side. Something you as a young toker might not be interested in. On ebay you can find vintage high times from the late 70's and early 80's for about $5. Certain issues were pretty cool. WAY different then HT today. They are a little something different. People get a trip out of them because most of us grew up with a few stupid high times magazines and don't really care to see them now. But not many of us have flipped through a vintage 1979 issue. The old advertisements are the best part.

    It's a little unique. I don't know any other tokers my age who have any. And people seem to get a trip out of flipping through one when they are baked.

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