high times glass of 99 *glass snobs welcome*

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by gone4good, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. #1 gone4good, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
    going through some of my high times collection...here's some oldies.
    enjoy and check back frequently for updates as I have about 30 years of high times yet to go through

    edit;click on the pictures and then click them again to magnify

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  2. Niice would rep ya if I could ;)
  3. Damn, the game sure has changed. Bob Snodgrass looks so much younger for it only being 11 years! I'd love to know what the articles say too!
  4. nice, man, this should be a sick thread, back in the day. fume all day
  5. those bubblers are out of this world!
  6. #6 gone4good, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
    heres some more glass for your viewing pleasure:D

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  7. get wet she says...:ey:

    keep them coming,
  8. ha awesome, made me take out my 1999 high times articles and look at them. i only have jan, june, and december for 1999 tho. lol not going to post pics for obvious threadjacking reasons, but good thread!
  9. Sweet stuff so far, Can't wait to see the rest.
  10. LoL. Makes me wanna pull out some of my glass from way back.
  11. Heres an article from the january 2002 issue dedicated to the females of the industry

    pretty fkn sweet.

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  12. If you posted every page of each issue this would be the most epic thread ever

    Sticky Epic
  13. [​IMG]

    ^^^^ That one is fucking amazing.
  14. Damn there's a shit load of heady sections on that hammer
  15. wait til you guys see tommy chongs workshop and a young ass jason lee...I also have every issue of cannabis canada and heads.
  16. Hell YEA! I love Jason Lee's shit!

  17. Thats hilarious. I still have that green 1 on the left. My girl bought it for me down in Key West about 8yrs ago or so. Hardly ever got used, to tough to empty the bowl. Cool thread...

  18. enjoy

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  19. So much has changed. It's funny how all the custom glass in the shots now looks like gas station cheapos today. I know it's not, makes me think of my JBD and Graffix both dead for over a decade now.

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