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High THC low CBD/CBN

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by insomnidroit, May 25, 2007.

  1. How can I tell when my plants has the most amount of THC and the least amount of CBD/CBN.
  2. indicas have peak amounts of thc when the trichomes are all cloudy. it varies strain from strain.
  3. wrong section i believe
  4. You need to take your herb to a lab. they'll dehydrate the herb, mix it into a speical solvent, shake it for a while til it settles, then inject the liquid into a Gas Chromatograph. That runs the solvent through a series of tubes. As the temperature rises in the tubes, each chemical constituent burns at its specific boiling point. The GC measures the boiling point as well as the amount of each chemical, and then they convert it to percentages.

    Or you could just smoke it and be happy that it gets you high. :)
  5. or jus get a microscope out and check the trich's, i usually give em the chop once all are cloudy and a few are amber
  6. You cant tell a % by looking at a trich. Some herb has very little trichs, but the THC content is very high. Some good lookin herb with tons of crystals might barely get you high at all with very low % thc.

    Only thing you can tell by color of trich is ripeness.

    Edit: growing forum anyone? Yes the color of trichs will change the general effect. Clear will be racy, and probably short lived depending on how early you chop. Amber will be stoney and chill. A mix will be a mix of both. Even with this, theres only so much stoneyness you can bring out of a pure sativa, and theres only so much racyness you can bring out of a pure indica. Dont harvest too early or too late.

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