High Tech Coffee Pot

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by stevizzy, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. All I need for my new High Tech Coffee Pot is a few fake Phish :rolleyes:

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  2. Why did you cut that kcup in half

  3. I just wanted to see the texture of the coffee grinds...so I could make my own, and also I was curious about how it makes coffee from a small plastic cup without getting grinds at the bottom of my cup of joe. It's actually pretty ingenious when you look inside. The coffee grinds are so uniform in size and texture I couldn't duplicate it with my grinder. Also, they use a good 2Tablespoons/cup strength, like Starbucks recommends for their brew. My mom only uses 1-2 teaspoons in her coffee....and it's too weak for me. That Kuerig machine makes coffee better than I can do myself...and there is no fuss or mess to clean afterwards. WOW....I love technology folks.:smoke:
  4. my mom has one of these and she loves the fuck out of it, i dont like the blend she gets, how do you make them yourself? cause those little things get expensive.
  5. #5 stevizzy, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2011
    For $14.95 you can buy a re-usable Kcup. It's a tiny cup that can be filled with any ground coffee, use once, rinse and use again. Whoever invented the Keurig system was a genius. Makes the best coffee you'll ever get at home. If your mom's blend is too weak, try one of the extra bold coffee's...they are the same price only they have 30% more coffee for a stronger brew.
  6. Damn... that IS pretty high tech! My brother in law has one like that... I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted some coffee... it took me like thirty minutes to figure out how to work it. XD I felt so stupid.
  7. #7 ChodeToka, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Right on
  8. A friend of mine got one for xmas a few years ago and at the time very few stores around here sold K-cups so she threw hers out- don't know what the fuck she was thinking. I got one a while back and use it constantly.
  9. Got so many different flavors.

    My roommate even got one.(no point but w/e)

    IMO the coffee is kind of weak and i fucks with that super bold
  10. The Sumatra Reserve Extra Bold is my favorite Kcup so far. Also, you can make it as strong as you desire using the empty KCup container and filling it to the top with whatever coffee you desire. Use a fine grind, try something a bit smaller than a usual drip grind on most grinders. You can fit 3tbs of coffee in the empty cup which is pretty strong even for a large mug size.
  11. I love the pomegranate green tea cup.
  12. best coffee you can get at home?hell no!
    on a budget,then yes

  13. OK....I can make better coffee at home with a French Press Coffeemaker but thru the years, all the coffeepots I've had never heated water to the proper temperature to get a good brew. For convenience and quality these one cup coffee makers are IMHO the best most people will ever achieve at home without a major investment in a quality grinder ($200+), good beans (Obviously) and a good machine $150+. For someone like my mom who won't buy whole beans much less experiment with the grind texture, this is a no-brainer. Don't knock the KCup unless you've tried some of the better extra bold blends. Sumatra is my current favorite.
  14. Damn, I'm still good with my french press, but that looks wild.
  15. What does it do?:confused:

    hahaha its very cool. does it make espresso or just coffee?

  16. Makes coffee, tea, and a poor expresso (don't waste your time there)
    They have special 'iced tea' cups that are designed to make hot tea that pours directly over a tall cup of ice...it melts the ice then dilutes it to the perfect strength for iced tea....brilliant!!!

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