Everyone is ruining our country with their idiocy. No one cares about what is happening to us, no one cares WHY 9/11 happened, but they do care about Brangelina and Lindsay Lohan. Republicans and Democrats do not care about average Americans, they only care about confusing us long enough to get rich.
Why is OBAMA the worst! I would have thought that trophy goes to bush or Eissenhower for invading other countries, just an idea
God I just hate Obama!!!!!!!!! Everything that happens in this country can be attributed to him because there is no such thing as checks and balances in this government, so all decisions are solely up to his discretion!!!!!!
Yeah him and his liberal house and liberal senate have no power what so ever! Obamacare was voted on!
I'm getting really fuckin sick of government in general. The ends most certainly do not justify the means.
Theres a lot of hate on Obama but think of it this way. At least its not McCain. PS: lol on 'obama is the worst pres. in history'. I know yall are potheads but Im pretty sure you havent forgotten the last decade
Julia gillard is Australia's biggest bogan, and I don't care, I'm happy for her. I'm sick of a 'representitives' that don't actually represent what real australians are like (fuck you paul keating)
Hitler and Obama were not far from each other. If obama could, he would send the republicans to the death camps .
QP3 is either a troll, or just really ignorant. If I could neg rep, I would, and I probably only have once or twice total.
Gillard's a switched-on bogan, I'll give her that... it'd be nice if she was commited to making some real change and social progress happen though, things like gay marriage, euthanasia (hopefully the bill that's floating around gets through...), ending the NT intervention, advancing the position of our lovely Mary Jane... Things that could NEVER have happened under Howard and likely will never happen under the Liberals, it's disappointing that Labor isn't taking a harder line on progress. But you know how it is, any kind of bill for liberation will be hard-pressed to make it through the House Of Representatives, let alone the Senate... Other than this, I'm sick of the Nationals. They claim to represent country Australia, but they spend their days sucking the dick of the Liberals, who don't give a shit about country Australia besides making sure the mining revenue we raise keeps trickling over to the cities of the East - which means catering to every whim and desire of the rich pigs owning the companies, and not giving a shit about the miners themselves. Best example is the Wittenoom fiasco, where the government and CSI both KNEW about the tremendous health repurcussions of mining fucking blue-asbestos all day, but didn't do anything until people actually started dying the slow and horrible death of absestosis. Wittenoom, once the home of some of the most spectacular gorges in the world and a very, very significant Aboriginal site (both to the Aborigines, and to anthropologists), is now cordoned off as a 'contaminated zone' that the government is hoping everyone'll just forget about. Creepily, my Mum visited Wittenoom quite a bit as a kid during the 50's, when the mine was operating in full swing. For the benefit of American readers, here's one of the finest songs of all time about this very thing - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhtbr8daN3M]YouTube - Blue Sky Mine (lyrics)[/ame] If that harmonica blast at the beginning doesn't give you the fucking shivers, listen to it again... Same deal for James Hardie, they did fuck all about the fact that they were exposing their workers to potentially lethal materials day in day out until people actually started getting sick and dying. The government and mining barons don't give a shit about the miners, they just want them to shut up and keep doing their job, and have largely placated them by paying them absurd amounts of money for it - money raised off the backs of the dead, sick and elderly who certainly were NOT paid the ridiculous amounts that miners get today. I guess it's just the name of the game... Anyhow, fuck you Nationals, and double-fuck you WA Nationals! You say you represent country people but don't support things like the National Broadband Network (hugely beneficial to isolated communities and country towns), the newly completed Indian Ocean Drive (Nationals/their Liberal masters hated it, so far as I can remember), any kind of bullet train between here and Perth that enables us to get down to the city in under 5 hours (without paying an absurd amount to catch a plane) - and you certainly don't oppose things like the disgraceful and unconsenting land seizure of Aboriginal sites up north for the benefit of mining companies, putting a big dirty off-shore oil rig in Coral Bay/Monkey-Mia (a world-recognised incredibly important ecosystem, very much like the Great Barrier Reef) or in Margaret River, the continuing usage of 1080 poison (that's shown to often kill more native animals than the introduced pests it's supposed to combat...) or any of the various land-grabs that the Nationals have sanctioned concerning my own town seizing sovereign shires to 'amalgamate' into itself, for 'better organisation'. Oakajee Port, namedly... And with that rant completed, I depart...
Yeah both were(one still is) socialist . Both have very sketchy backrounds with different conspiracies as to their upbringings. Obama(not actually american) Hitler( possibly a jew). Both had great charisma . Both passed laws that changed their country using backhand techniques.