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High Quality Pics of recent pickup! (56k Beware!)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Jayy, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. #1 Jayy, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2009
    Check out this bud i scored, it's smokes pretty damn good.







  2. holy fuck those pictures are big. looks pretty tasty though :D
  3. mmm tasty man
  4. Jesus H Christ resize those images!!!!!
  5. HUGE!!!! looks good though
  6. I think your mistaking high quality for HUGE! but looks good either way
  7. dude that looks exactly like some mids i picked up in my area. i got that shit for like 25$ a 1/4. Guy i bought if from called it "Kali Mist" i guess it was a haze and a thai cross. Shit got me stoned for lke 4 hours off one bong rip :smoking::smoking:
  8. There we go, fixed the pics and added a couple new ones with my my pipe.

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