The newest growth is slightly twisted,looking a bit like high ph. Getting a little lockout causing burnt tips .. I’m going to acidify about 5 gallons of water to 5.8ish after checking a “slurry” tmrw .. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i agree will @sosogrow plants look ok . cant really see any burnt tips on the leaves ....myself i would leave plants as they are ..mac.
I’m jus gna start pHing my water down a bit. Nothing huge. All I can really do because I’m going away after my last shift of work tonight.— I leave tomorrow for Las Vega for 5 days-. I’ll have time to see the tent before I go. 7pm flight. Will post. Lots of Vegas pictures here lol.- can you set up a big 5 gallon jug for my buddy to water with (phd down a bit)
I think you’re right man it’s not that big of a deal. — at least seem to be getting the food that they did and it’s not affecting them — the new growth just looks a little twisted, but then again, I remember whenever I run a scrog some of them kind of look like that because you’re always bending n tucking n it’s kinda growing weird under that scrog net. It should all “smooth out n rise “ for lack of better terms in flower. Lol. I also realize with the one LED I’m going to have to change the size of the metal hanging wires so I can get a little bit more height. The other led damn near ratchets up to the very top. Lol. I’m just going to test my pH for the hell of it before I go. Possibly leave some slightly acidified water for my partner to water with while I’m gone.
First slurry A tad high. But I’m gonna let it go n work itself out. Every tjmhing looks ok for me to go to Vegas n not worry see y’all in 5 days (might make one last early post b4 I leave tmrw ) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Since you have another thread with 3 pages of replies that covers the same issue I'm closing this one.