it took me like ten trys before I realised none of the cards are in the pile....that was good....a little too good
oh man, that really freaked me out. but then when i went to post my reply i read nubbin's so now i'm not so scared.
lol, that was trippy for a few minutes. I was like wtf is going on. And then I too read Nubbins reply. It would have been forever a mystery to me, and I'm not even stoned!
thanks nubbin. i thought it actually worked, but then i read your post. but i only tried it once..... could've been a cool trick
Shit like this is traumatizing to the simple minded stoner! gotta break stuff like this to us slowly or else there's gonna be a rise in mental breakdowns all over the world!!
dammit nubbin.. your avatar should be outlawed the last thing i want to see all baked is the icecream man, followed by the scaryclown. *hides under covers