High Nitrogen

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by LoneYote, Jan 15, 2023.

  1. I'm finally getting ready to grow indoors again and I ran a Rapitest on my soil, which shows surplus nitrogen. This soil was last used back in June 2022. After harvest, I top dressed with aged cow manure, mulched, and kept it damp since then. Is this N level going to be toxic to autoflowers? I was planning on inserting 32 oz. quart-sized plugs of light mix into the pot for starting the seeds. 3 med/small Mephisto autos in a 20 gallon fabric pot. Anything helps, thanks. 20230114_104820.jpg
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  2. id say roll with it, i use the same test, and i have found that a soilless mix really cant go by what we think it really is, like the potash, mine always comes out with same results as your like none and depleted your phos is between adequate and sufficent , which is good, that is the cow manure at work there , but the potash stumps me, there is ton of potash in manures but these test never show that,
    i always thought what and why, well it came down to wet dog i believe answering my question without me asking, might even been tim or organic sinse, a soilless test isnt the same as real soil, this snapped the bulb on in my head from what the university of oregon asked me when i had a test done, they asked were all the organic matter was and then asked if this was a pasture or a sectioned paddock, i answer back it was a soilless mix in containers , ,leaving me stumped with there answer never sunk in until one of the guys said soil versus soilless test samples.
    in soilless that test is great for ph but the rest i dont think it jives so well .
    even so i would still with the results you have roll on with it, your ph looks around 6.3 which is the very low side in my opinion, if you added a bit more compost i think it would benefit you.
    so through all that jabber with science i did pick up on cues that lead me to think in soilless this test might be just a maybe instead of a sure.
    but the nitrogen will go quick in the veg stage and all else looks good from my point of view
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  3. Thanks for the input. I have a hard time interpreting visually. I was thinking the same just go with it. The media has only had one cycle yet. My water is fairly alkaline. I've read that autos are sensitive to surplus nutrients early on, so thought I'd run it by the kind folks at GC. I appreciate your insights.
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  4. let me ask this, how did you collect the fluid for your test
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  5. I dug out a 1 cup sample about 6" down in the center of pot, sifted out the big chunks (1/8" dia.), mixed 1:5 (soil:water) with distilled water shook for 1 min and let it settle for 24 hrs. and then drew the clarified water with the included syringe without disturbing the underlying sediment. Basically followed the directions as close as I could.
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  6. That should work just fine. Sounds like you are doing everything right! There isn’t a downside to using even half a gallon of seed starter/ light mix as long as it has a touch of nutrients in it. I use just under 1/2 gal of Light Warrior for mine.
    Just remember, fully saturate and mix the seed starter/light mix before using it. It works much better!
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  7. i do mine in a mason jar , soon as i shake it up and set on level surface, i mark the sand line on jar, next i wait 1 hr and mark the silt line, from there i wait till next day and mark the clay line, then take my samples, figure up the precentage lines and you know exactually what type soil your working with , i like to be just inside loom , but more times than not in my area it is sandy loom
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