High + Microwave = ?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by PeacefulStoner, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. This just happened like 10 minutes ago. So im really baked right now and i was getting hungry so i went in the freezer and got like one of those microwave dinner type deals, ya know? And so i put it in the microwave and you have to put it in for like 3 minutes then take it out and stir it and the put it back in for another like minute and then you eat it. So i put it in for 3, took it out and stirred it. And then i set it back in the microwave and i typed in 1 minute and well you know how microwaves dont start unless the door is closed? Yea well i guess i dont know that when im high. Because i just sat infront of the microwave for a good 20 minutes typing in 1 minute and then pressing start. I started to think the start button was broken. I was about to say screw the extra minute and ill just eat it like this because i really had the munchies and it looked really good. Right as i was about to get a fork to eat it, i thought what'll happen if i close the door? So i closed it and pressed start and it worked. It made me so happy :smoke:
  2. Do you want your innards medium rare?

    That's why they have doors and only go when they're closed.
  3. tldr; im stupid
  4. ^^^He speaks the truth
  5. lmao good stoner moments :smoke:
  6. My microwave sketched the fuck out of me the other night. For some reason, the spinning base kept spinning, even though the microwave was off. It was weird. The sound it was making made me think that it was going to blow up.
  7. Microwaves don't cook stuff from the inside out, that's a common misconception. :rolleyes:

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