Greetings from Texas y'all. Guess this is where we tell a little about our selves. Just recently got medically discharged from the Army. Moved to the Dallas Ft Worth area to be closer to my kids. I started back up kinda of on a whim when me and my wife were in Colorado for a baseball game. One thing led to another and i was having my first toke ( do ppl still say toke) in 17 yrs. Man did I miss it. I forgot how much I loved to smoke. My wife even says I'm much more mellow person and not so angry. Any ways it's a lot different this time around, it's not about just getting fucked up it's more of a way to relax after a long day at work and kids. In fact it has brought me and my wife closer together. She says I'm much more open when I'm high. To be honest it's been though to find a consistent supply. Most ppl would be shocked if they new I smoked. I look like a 30 something corporate guy very straight lace. I'm down to my last couple of nuggs that I got in Colorado. Looking at growing my own since I can't find anyone that and I'm worried about cops trying to just me for buying weed. Any way that why I'm here to learn and soak up the knowledge.
Trust me I know Professor but I got two kids from a previous marriage and don't wanna miss out on them growing up.
Well then growing your own is definitely the route I would go. Stealth is gonna be your biggest concern. Do not skimp on exhaust filters or other equipment. And don't tell a soul about what you are doing. Can't be there for the kids if you are in prison.
Welcome to the state that acts like the Feds, @ScoobyDoo214!! I'm a Texan and I grow my own. Can't say the word stealth enough down here. I'm a tiny house in a big city and my neighbors wouldn't even think that I do something illegal. You have to be that quiet about it. Welcome to the City. Hope we can help you out. There is no such thing as a stupid question so, ask away. If we can help you, we will be happy to do so.