dont tell me your looking a a computer screen! am i right! or what! ,shit !now do you think theres more to cannbis induced esp or what! let me hear your ideas to night i am fucking stoned and just dealing with my fucked up week ! so here i be and here i am, come out and playyyyyaaa! any one out there smokeing dope?
when im high i think of stuff like the space time continum and wormholes and stuff (only if im pretty high)......i try to write down all my ideas...but its hard cause ill forget in the middle of a sentance and look back at what i was writing but not be able to figure out wtf i was talkin about.
so i am am i would if i told you i was a woman all this time and now one figerd it out yet! lol you man are all alike!LOL
so you thank about holes when your stoned whats new dude !lol wait i have a idea look out here it comes if you fell in to a worm hole would you be all alone or would you try to talk to the worm and know him for who he is !???
what a sentance but another presons values being set and they thing you are to obay them ,fuck that ! if i want rule i'll piss off my wife! lol i like one of your words dude ! (space) space ,space ,space, space ,space! i get spaces just thinking about it! little green buds ,iam mean men! uof's ,rosewell ,area 51 1/2 ,star treck ,lost in space ,theres that word again dude !think moon cheese! but most of all i think only one thing,where did that gulf ball go!now you know he was stoned and every one didnot say a word about it! did they NO way dude he was on the moon and its still free place to smoke weed their but geting there sucks! so what was this post or reply or what is this all about ? idont forget so what were we talking about any way?
hey how'd you know i was looking at a computer screen? oh.. wait.. nevermind. xo rainman how's your sister doin? you should really rename yourself "stonerman"...
she's doing great and tomorrow i got a funerl to guo to ,so i am trying to take my mind off every thing and its work some what ,what were we talking about any way!you mean i am a man no wonder the dress didnt fit right ! lol
this thread just got wierder and we wierder...hmmm. EVeyone must be stoned. AT least then it all makes sense!!!
DaWodin i also like to think about spacetime in my free time a lot, also about mathematics retaining to our minds in higher dimensions. when im high i also always try and right down things i think i have "discovered" but when i looked back on it the next day it made absolutely no sense, it was titled "The Queen Control" and just kept talking about different colors and how they relate to different things lol.
no i think you have to have inoperatable brain damge and 2 1/2 oz's of freash growen weed ,lol but it could have been the hashish!
yeah this is nonsense.........just my style Yeah I think about alot of deep trippy shit when I'm nice and flared. Lol whoever saw my post about untangling the science of human interaction can vouch for that
im 45 minutes older than everyone...cuz..we made time slow down..and time is nothing but a concept invented by the mind, and if you can bend the mind, then you can bend the concept of your if in my mind, even if it is induced by my telemagikal squeal flute fillibuster jenkins...FUUUCKK...i had to remember his name..and i lost the thought....and even if i reread it i cant get it back... FUUCKCKCKCKCK............................................................................................................................(holding down period button til i think of it).............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................bend the concept of your if in my mind, even if it is induced by mr jenkins, it IS my I AM 45 minutes older than everyone else in my reality.................dont use aluminum
HAHAHAHAHAH...........if yo hold down the period button it makes it stretch way the fuck out to the side....I DIDNT KNOW THAT...hhahahaha......i hereby decree ..isnt it my fifth one...anyway, i decree as president of the stoned states of america, that that doesnt happen anymore because its aggrivating