So here is some drawings and shit I did while enjoying our favorite herb I thought I would share Here is a comic Strange Drawing Strange Drawing that I did while watching observe and report I can explain it if you all want My character Bob in a parody of Old Man Wolverine, I can give a plot outline if wanted Strange Drawing A Frog enjoying herb An Marijuanatan an animal that subsists off of marijuana Bob holding a bong and exhaling Bud the Better Drug Some angry dude I drew Edit: BTW I don't update the first post the rest of the drawings are throughout the thread. I also decided I may as well add a link to my older thread
Yes I did in fact I had one other one scanned but it turned out weird so I became lazy and didn't re-do. And thank you I'm happy that you liked them
Dude this is awesome + colourful. I draw loads when high, but nothing finished ever comes of it. This is quality.
Sometime when you decide to get high(by yourself preferably it can be done with others though) Smoke a bowl or two to yourself but before you do this have all your drawing equipment set up and some good tunes ready start your tunes and draw until it is something you feel is complete while you are high. Also the colored ones tend to be multiple sessions I'll spend a half hour one time then come back to it another time. Because as much as I love drawing, and love doing it high. I can't do something complete looking while high in one sitting. I wanted to add I may consider doing some suggestions if the idea tickles me awesome. Also thank you all for checking them out