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High end glass stolen - Homeowners insurance?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ovid, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. I was recently a victim of a home invasion, and among other things that were stolen I lost my daily driver a Mobius Strato w/ Matrix Perc and my friends Sovereignty Stem 8. Now my homeowners insurance will cover everything else for sure, and I can't think of a legal reason that they could deny my claim if I put the glass on there but I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience filing insurance claims on high end glass.
  2. What an interesting question, my initial reaction is no but I'm not an insurance agent so I don't really know
  3. Bongs aren't illegal, but some people still have it drummed into them that marijuana is bad, so you really won't know until you try!
  4. I'd say go for it and put it on your claim, after-all bongs aren't illegal (on their own :cool: )
    They cant prove that you smoke MJ just from some words on a form, but most people these days have been brainwashed with government propaganda, so id say go for it, the most they can do is refuse your claim.

    Hope you get your pieces back and keep on tokin' :smoke:

  5. I'm not worried about some sort of blowback, I'm worried about them denying the entire claim. The glass is very valuable, but only a small fraction of what was stolen.
  6. Tobacco use only right? I don't see how they could deny it
  7. Tobacco water pipe !
  8. Tell them you used them for tobacco and if theres any resin on it its because they were smokin bud out of it

  9. Bongs are illegal, water-pipes are not ;)
  10. be sure to call it a tobacco water pipe on your claim man!

  11. No, they're not. If they were, how do headshops stay open? Now if there is resin in it...
  12. #12 Bunny Wailer, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    because they usually don't allow you to say "bong". they make you say "water pipe" or kick you out. I know there are shops where they don't care if you say bong, but they do risk being shut down

    EDIT: Wikipedia: In the United States, under the Federal Drug Paraphernalia Statute, which is part of the Controlled Substances Act, it is illegal to sell, transport through the mail, transport across state lines, import, or export drug paraphernalia....While technically 'bong' does not mean a device used for smoking mainly marijuana, drug-related connotations have been formed with the word itself (partly due to punning with Sanskrit bhangah "hemp"). Thus for fear of the law many head shops will not serve customers who use the word "bong" or "bongs".
  13. this is true ^
  14. [quote name='"Fly Guy"']be sure to call it a tobacco water pipe on your claim man![/quote]

    Do this you will be good

  15. Yes, but he said water pipes are illegal. They aren't. Bongs are. Even though they are the same damn thing.
  16. REALLY LOL?? how are they gonna find resin on his STOLEN bong??? **cough** i mean water pipe **cough**
  17. I know better than to call them bongs :). Thanks for the advice guy's, I'll let you know how it turns out.
  18. Interested in the results.. subd

  19. Learn.To.Read.
  20. Deuro said:

    To which you replied,


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