High CBD plant that can be grown under a house?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Hello there!, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Any suggestions?

  2. #2 GanjFarmer', Aug 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2013
    if by under a house you mean indoors than any plant can be grown indoors so long as you deal with the spacing correctly.
    These guys breed good high cbd strains
    If looking into cbd for pain management Blueberry is a good choice but go with dj shorts blueberry as dutch passions tends to hermie a lot and genetics are unstable imo.
    Really any heavy indica is going to be high cbd most likely
  3. #3 Seven Wishes, Aug 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2013
    I'm the farthest thing from an expert, but I second what Farmer said above.  I recently was going to a few medical dispensaries looking for high CBD strains and products for a cancer patient, and it was pretty universal that they suggested indicas for that.  
    Also, just a  couple of days ago I saw a show on CNN about marijuana that featured a story about a young girl with horrible seizures, and her parents gave her medical marijuana for the disease she has.  The parents found a strain that is very high in CBDs but very low in THC that dispensaries couldn't give away, since most people are looking for the high, of course.  This particular strain has nearly no high associated with it, and it helped their daughter tremendously.  Eventually because of their success with treating their daughter with this strain, it was named after the girl...if you want heavy CBDs and aren't looking for a THC high, try to find the strain called Charlotte's Web.  It's way heavy on CBDs, but has super low THC.  If you look up the strain, it's ironically a sativa, apparently, but has the properties of high CBD and not much THC at all.  It may be worth looking for, if you are in a medical MMJ state.

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