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High CBD and Low THC flowers in Portland

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by PDX503Kush, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Hello there fellow Medical Marijuana members.:wave:

    I just recently got my recommendation for Medical Marijuana here in Oregon, and I have been to a couple dispensaries looking for flowers that are high in CBD and Low in THC. But unfortunately, it seems that no one I talk to seem to have seen these type of strains.:(

    I am mostly interested in finding the famous Harlequin strain found mostly in California that has an approximate percentage of 12% CBD and 6% THC. If anyone has seen these strains, then I would greatly appreciate any information you can give me.

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  2. Just get some buba kush. High cbd
  3. Bubba Kush is an 80% indica hybrid, and I am guessing Kushes and indica-dominant strains give me anxiety attacks. I've heard that strawberry cough is a good sativa for anxiety, but I'm interested in these high CBD strains because of its anti-anxiety properties, and higher anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks for your input though!
  4. You want to find:

    Raskal's OG

    You can also look into ANY buds that have been left to grow beyond their peak THC levels, i.e., mostly amber trichomes.
  5. Didn't I post a thread similiar to this? Or was that just for the seattle area?

    Why didn't your doctor give you a list of high CBD strains? Mine did. I guess not all doctors are created equal.

    Yes Raskals OG!!!! I like it I have not tried harlequin or gravity. Where are you getting those, T?
  6. #7 rosealfanso, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2012
    Harlequin strain is a great pain reliever without any of the paranoia and over baked feeling that you can sometimes get from other strains. Refer to this link, this may help you to find Harlequin.

    For Quality Herbal Incense visit Code Black.
  7. [quote name='"tstick"']You want to find:

    Raskal's OG

    You can also look into ANY buds that have been left to grow beyond their peak THC levels, i.e., mostly amber trichomes.[/quote]

    Ok, I'll look around for those other strains, too! Would you have an idea on where to locate them here in the Portland area?
  8. [quote name='"KinkySwitch"']Didn't I post a thread similiar to this? Or was that just for the seattle area?

    Why didn't your doctor give you a list of high CBD strains? Mine did. I guess not all doctors are created equal.

    Yes Raskals OG!!!! I like it I have not tried harlequin or gravity. Where are you getting those, T?[/quote]

    I think I might remember your post regarding this issue, but Seattle is about 3 or 4 hours from Portland, and I don't have a Washington recommendation.

    Yeah, as far as my doctor, I didn't receive much information...
  9. [quote name='"rosealfanso"']Harlequin strain is a great pain reliever without any of the paranoia and over baked feeling that you can sometimes get from other strains. Refer to this link, this may help you to find Harlequin.

    Exactly, that's why I've been searching for this strain throughout the Portland area, but no luck...

    That website is really helpful for information regarding the strain, but I found no search engine for locating this flower...

    I'm really interested in finding this flower to give its effects a try, and also consider growing it. But no one seems to even have heard of Harlequin... I call, text, and e-mail places and collectives, but I simply get ignored, or they say they can't give me any information over The phone because they can't verify my paperwork that way...
  10. Hi.

    I have not tried any of the strains I listed. I only wanted to pass on the names to look for....which I came across from reading various stuff here and there.

    Unfortunately, I have no familiarity with the Portland scene, but I recommend looking at or Weedmaps and then plugging in those names to the search engine and see if they plunk out a nearby place that has them.
  11. I was just talking to a Sacramento breeder that's been working on a 0% THC strain for med patients. It won't be out for a while but I'm going to have check it out when it hits the shelves.
  12. [quote name='"tstick"']Hi.

    I have not tried any of the strains I listed. I only wanted to pass on the names to look for....which I came across from reading various stuff here and there.

    Unfortunately, I have no familiarity with the Portland scene, but I recommend looking at or Weedmaps and then plugging in those names to the search engine and see if they plunk out a nearby place that has them.[/quote]

    Yeah, I've been to both sites, but unfortunately the nearest collective with that particular strain (harlequin) is in Tacoma washington which is about 3 hours from Portland, and I do not have a Washington recommendation...
  13. [quote name='"mjmama25"']I was just talking to a Sacramento breeder that's been working on a 0% THC strain for med patients. It won't be out for a while but I'm going to have check it out when it hits the shelves.[/quote]

    Interesting! That sounds like something Id be interested in as well. Hopefully it reaches shelves here in Oregon, but seeing that Harlequin is hard to find I'm guessing that one will be even harder... Please let me know if you hear anything else from that breeder.
  14. [quote name='"mjmama25"']I was just talking to a Sacramento breeder that's been working on a 0% THC strain for med patients. It won't be out for a while but I'm going to have check it out when it hits the shelves.[/quote]

    What's the strain name? Was ever in the collectives in Sacramento?
  15. idk if it has been mentioned but check out cannatonic too, really high cbd strain
  16. [quote name='"Dubway"']idk if it has been mentioned but check out cannatonic too, really high cbd strain[/quote]

    Yeah, that's one of the strains I've been on the lookout for as well. I'm hearing there might be some in Eugene, but that's a way from Portland... I need to find something locally. But information regarding medical marijuana here in Portland, Oregon is a bit hard to find.
  17. #18 silenceme, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2012
    Hey PDX you might want to try a strain called "Sour lifesaver"

    You can find seeds online I think...but its pretty rare so I'm not sure. I don't know the CBD or THC levels, but it is by far the most relaxing strain I have EVER had. And I usually smoke sativa's for an intense high, I can smoke many bowls of sour lifesaver and never once in my head do I think "wow this is strong."

    It is considered one of the best pain meds, but be careful.... it literally makes my body numb, I've NEVER had that happen before... it makes you pretty tired. But even with extremely intense body high(thankfully you don't feel slow or heavy) your mindset is extremely relaxed.. it's almost like mentally you didn't smoke but can feel the effects physically..

    If you can't get a hold of that for a decent price then keep looking for the Harlequin... right now I have a buddy that made a mom plant of it, i'm super excited!

    EDIT: if you can't find "sour lifesaver" then look for "lifesaver" because that is the main strain that causes the relaxation and pain relief.

    From my experience with anxiety and weed though... you either have to A) not smoke as much or B) continue smoking and get used to it (like I did, because you realize weed can not harm you....there is no reason to feel anxiety)

    I don't think changing strain types will do much, if you feel anxiety from smoking weed you will feel at the very least small levels of anxiety unless you smoke ONE hit, and never get really high. But then if you need more for your condition....welll maybe weed isn't for you? If it causes you much anxiety and you can't get over it then maybe it's not worth it?

    I mean at one point I was scared to smoke because I didnt know if it was indica or sativa... but in reality I was just anxious no matter what, you have to overcome the anxiety from smoking or else it will never be truely medicinal... I couldn't imagine freaking out from smoking weed again, even though I have had MANY panic attacks...In fact overcoming this has HELPED my anxiety...

    It's not gonna help you with anxiety if you freak out whenever you smoke an strain you aren't certain about.... at least from my experience, you have to be comfortable smoking ANY strain.

  18. I totally see your point. In fact, that is my final plan. I have read throughout these forums that with tolerance comes an ability to control your high, and most importantly overcome racing thoughts. With experience, I am hoping, will come less anxiety.:confused_2:

    My main reason for finding these High CBD strains is to use them as a crutch to transition into high THC strains. Can I say that CBD may act as an antagonist to THC? A similar way that Naloxone can prevent a Morphine overdose? Because CBD is an anxiolytic, then does that mean that any anxiety caused by THC can be antagonized by CBD? Correct me if I am wrong, but that looks like it might make sense...

    So as I smoke, lets say for example, Sour Diesel, and I feel an anxiety attack coming, then could I use a high CBD strain like Harlequin to help me feel better? I dont know...:confused_2:

    As far as my anxiety goes right now, I can say that it has improved. Slowly, but surely. But I would still like to experiment with these new up and coming High CBD strains. I would like to see a strain with a CBD % of 20 or more. It would be highly beneficial for all medical patients, and it includes those with anxiety issues.:D
  19. #20 silenceme, Mar 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2012
    "So as I smoke, lets say for example, Sour Diesel, and I feel an anxiety attack coming, then could I use a high CBD strain like Harlequin to help me feel better? I dont know... [Confused 2] "

    Maybe.... but probably not..... One thing I did that really helped me was just analyze how I felt , and then i started realizing I wasn't having TRUE panic attacks.

    I mean do you feel your heart racing, sweaty palms, racing thoughts? That's what being high is like.... I know this may sound strange, but at least for me.... I was so used to having panic attacks that I thought I was getting them from weed, but I trained myself to recognize it as the effects of weed....... so if I ever freaked out I told myself " Don't worry, I don't care if my heart is about to explode it doesn't matter nothing will happen" I basically got comfortable with sativa's, which if your an anxious person can trigger a panic attack or make it FEEL like one...... If you can notice the difference you are on the right path, once you empower your thoughts with "It's okay, I'm fine, this is what being high is like"... it completely changes your mindset... Having a panic attack will NOT happen anymore from cannibas. My brain is like "okay i'm done with it. Nothing will EVER happen. No fear"..

    The best way to avoid the anxiety is just to not smoke as much, plain and simple. I never got the anxiety unless I smoked a bowl, or a few hits... the thing was... I really enjoy cannibas and I wasn't gonna let anxiety stop me... I could see someone who doesn't like cannibas as much easily giving up over the anxiety and just blowing it off as something they don't like...

    But obviously you can smoke weed and NOT panic, which means you are 100% capable of overcoming anxiety from smoking. You just have to realize sativa's will make you "feel" panicy.. but you can turn it into ENERGY!!!! I'm being completely serious... instead of feeling anxious I feel energy and DRIVE.... think about it, you over think things and brainstorm much more on sativas..... before I would overthink my anxiety... now I will overthink music, etc etc... FUN things that distracts me, instead of feeling anxious.

    If I were to smoke a high CBD strain for a month and then go back to a strong sativa, no doubt it will effect me VERY strong. I think in general sativa's will make anxious people more anxious.... but since I have trained myself to be comfortable, at most I feel slightly anxious. And that's if I smoked some high grade sativa to myself. ...

    Compared to FREAKING out if I smoked 1 bowl of a strong sativa.
    And if I do feel slightly anxious? So what? I get a drink of water and take a deep breathe and it's gone... Much easier to deal with then thinking I'm going to die, no?

    Oh and tolerance plays a MAJOR factor. It definitely reduces the mental high to a more relaxing state, but then you have to smoke more for pain or sleep or what have you....

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