High at work?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Daaan1, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. I thought it would be cool to read about any funny/crazy experiences you guys have had whilst baked at work.

    I haven't found a good thread for this topic yet..I think will be pretty funny to read about haha..So what's happened to you whilst high at work? :smoke:
  2. welll just about everyday im high as shit at work, but then again i do work in a headshop
  3. I work at subway, pretty nice job to be stoned at. "What kinda veggies bro?"
  4. I'm a line cook, if i smoke a Sativa and go into work i will blaze through shit with accuracy and more speed :D
  5. I imagine that would be cool..preparing food is fun whilst high dude
  6. And then when a server says "my table loved it!!!" i'm just like noo wayy :D
  7. Hahah I deliver food now but when I worked in a grocery store I got locked in the meat freezer while I was stoned for an hour and a half...no cell service and I was working overnight stocking shelves with two other people...also baked. mother fuckers took forever to find me hahaha jus glad they kept on huntin'
  8. Hah..Thats awesome man :D
  9. I'm a cook at a waffle house type place. I always get super blazed when I have to be there every morning at 430 and start making biscuits and bacon and everything for that day.

    Then I toke again when I make my first biscuit delivery around 630 every morning... I love my job it's just too gravy! :D
  10. i have 3 jobs, but one is at chick fil a..me and all my coworkers are stoned as shit lol. lots of whip creme cans too..;)
  11. Is it possible to work not high? Lol
  12. My friend and I both blaze up on the job sometimes ( we landscape). Like a month ago Monday morning we thought we could fit our fully loaded truck and trailer through the car wash ( was the easiest way out of the parking lot).

    We got our truck ad trailer fully into the car wash and got the whole rig stuck. We completely fucked up the car wash too. It took like 15 minutes to get out. We had to back out because we couldn't physically fit through. This whole time we are freaking out thinking we are in deep shit. RIPPED out of our minds too. Finally got it out. Backed up over a curb to get out and left. No one tried to come through fortunately and not a word was said about it to the boss man.

    Words don't really do this story justice. It was soooooooooo difficult to back that shit out. We could hardly even fit it in......
  13. I walked into work on a Saturday one time (it's optional and you make more money for Sat. shifts) higher then shit. My boss took one look, and asked why I didn't call him. I got paid to sit around with my boss and shoot the shit with him... It was great.
  14. Fuck. I wrote my story and when I pressed the quick reply thing my internet was off. So it erased everything I had written :( Will write it next time I'm high how annoying lol
  15. Ah.. I feel your pain bro, it's super annoying when that happens lol..
  16. If I'm not high at work it goes by so damn slow lol..

    The best time I've had was during a hurricane when I was asked to work overnight, 17 hours, in case the power went out and we had to empty the shelves (produce dept). It was all overtime because it was a Sunday, and I stayed blazed all night and basically just chilled doing nothing but going out now and then to blaze and watch the storm
  17. That sounds like a pretty chill night, I wanna blaze up and watch a storm :smoke:

  18. Yeah one of my favorite things to do high is park a car at the beach in a big nor Easter

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