HID light question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by JustAnotherToker, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. #2 TheAnswer121, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2013
    mh veg and hps flower. that bulb is for veg (blue spectrum). 90,000 lumens :cool:
    I bought that bulb in an italian shop (online order) and in the italian version of the page they say a completely different thing lol...
    Here is the link to the italian version of the same shop http://www.idroponica.it/illuminazione-c-24/lampadine-lampade-coltivazione-hps-mh-agro-s-41/sylvania-grolux-600w-1011.html
    Let me translate what the italian version of the page is saying: High pressure sodium bulb enriched of blue spectrum (30W) for a total of 630W...
    Anyway I had a pure HPS before for 5 years and now I have this bulb and you cant see any difference in the light. Considering I have never seen a MH bulb live but from what I saw on youtube and pictures it's not as yellow as HPS right?
    Maybe they screwed the translation in english they are shop that does probably 95% of the traffic in italy.
  3. ?????? stumped. :bongin: mh is this

    Attached Files:

  4. No it's typical yellow HPS, even the bulb looks exactly the same as my previous HPS bulb, I had to doublecheck I put the right bulb on... the only ting is the shop said it is enriched 30W blue spectrum and that you can use it during the whole plant cycle.
  5. The info in the linked page says that it has a higher output in the blue end of the spectrum than other HPS lamps. It looks to me like a bit of a compromise. Better veg than a typical HPS but not as good as a MH.

    If you want to veg and flower using a single lamp that will work but like many compromises, you go from doing one thing very well to doing two things marginally.

    I have successfully run full cycle on just a regular HPS an it worked. However, using MH to veg and HPS for flower works much better. The more you taylor the environment to suit the plant the more vigorous and healthy the plant will be.

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