Well, I'm from WV of all places and I don't like talking to people that I'm not familiar with so here's my pic. I'm a soon to be 25 yr old and I'm a nurse that has smoked for almost 13 yrs now. Anyone from around here or close let me know. And I know I'm not the most beautiful person in the world and I'm short (5 ft tall) but us redheads can be lots of fun. LOL.
Welcome to the city. I hope ya stay around a while. What part of WV are you from? I have some ex in laws in Nolan and Williamson. I was up there over the weekend.
damn man...that was a joke, I didn't even think anyone could think otherwise. wasn't meant to be offensive or thought could be.
There was no reason for that comment. Replies like that gets shit started and we are trying to keep things running smooth.