Hi, i am the new chick

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Alice1981, Jul 19, 2002.

  1. Hey everyone, I am glad that I found this forum area, it seems pretty awesome so far...I live in Washington State near Seattle and hope to have many a fascinating conversation...

    Talk to you soon!
  2. hey alice, welcome to the city!...im in oregon here smokin up a storm...hope you enjoy your long stay
  3. thanks for the welcoming...i love Portland, i go there to do all of my shopping :)
  4. Hang around and take it easy.

  5. i will do my best...though, it's tough to take life too seriously when you have a fatty in the midst...oh yeah, here i come baby...
  6. welcome. the city has a lot of really nice (not to mention hilarious) people here. enjoy your stay :)
  7. Welcome to the City, Alice!!!!!

    We have an extremely diverse community here and that makes it kick ass. Some of us are a little nuts (some more than others--I can't name any names-YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE) but it doesn't take long to catch onto someones personality here so have fun. It's a daily adventure for me!!!!
  8. nothing is better than getting to know a wide variety of people...i so so look forward to it :)
  9. Ah hell with the Title "I'm the new chick" I had to come by and say hello. Well, Hello and welcome to the city!!!! Fire one up cuz you will be here a while hehehe.

  10. Right on baby! I like your quote about life being a bitch, that rocks!
  11. Thanx but I think its true Life is a bitch then you die. Right? lol Well I would say something about your quote but um I dunno where to start lol. 1981 huh Was a good year wasnt it? Some of the better things were created in 81 including yours truly.

  12. if you are great then i am a goddess ;) it was a great year, i loved the eightees, man...i wish i could see them now...high as a kite....yeah, dude, so so yeah
  13. Goddess, really well that dont sound too bad. Actually not bad at all ;) . But about the 80's I don't really miss them all that much heh but I guess thats just me my sis kinda wore me out on the 80's theme figure this a 16 yr old in the 80's OMG the hairspray used in my house would be enough to fuel a rocket headin towards the moon!! Well, tc and have a good one.


    P.S. Where abouts are ya? FL here
  14. I am in WA and it seems all my sources for my poison are leaving me! I am quite nervous as to what this means for my high life...
  15. i've got a stoner friend in redmond, wa... anywhere near you?

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