hi(gh) from Puerto Rico!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BoricuaPotHead, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. Hi, I am a pot head... cool, huh?... like if no one here was.
    (I'm new here)...I wish I could make new friends... anyone here from Puerto Rico or Springfield,Mass.?

    :: PFPS :: - (Profesional Female Pot Smoker)

    Attached Files:

  2. Welcome..........I'm from neither of those places but I just wanted to say hi anyway. Hope you enjoy your stay here and keeping smoking on...............
  3. Hi, welcome to the city
  4. I love that loud New Yorican Boricua shit!

    Que hace mi gente? :D


  5. hello from the west coast. =)


  6. hello from the east coast!


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