I grow outdoors, organically in Cape Town, South Africa, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. We are Legally allowed to grow privately in our own homes for our own personal use, 4 plants in a single adult residential property or 8 plants if 2 adults live on the property. Have a great day all. Sideways.
Thanks for the welcome all, Check out this strange looking bud on one of my Jazz plants growing outdoors organically, it is about 4 to 5 weeks away from completion. Nature is beautiful.
Howzit, trojangrower, Yes correct, I had never seen or heard of it, so asked a few questions and did some research, and this is what I found. Fasciation = Random genetic mutation or disruption. The bacterium Rhodococcus fascians. Viral infection. Damage to the plants by frost, animals (including insects), chemical or mechanical injury. My plants cannot be affected by most of those, so went to do an inspection of that branch with a magnifying glass. What I found was that branch had snapped in the wind but healed before the next big blow. As I said above this is a Jazz Plant - Sativa, and I grow outdoors in Cape Town, South Africa, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Cape Town is known as the Cape of Storms as we have 2 opposing hard core winds here. So my conclusion is this Fasciation was caused by mechanic injury. Wonderful to learn something new. Thank you.