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Hi from the middle of FL (1st time grower)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by yardstik, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. #1 yardstik, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    Hello my good people. I'm new to this forum but have been a member of others for a few years now. I tried growing a plant a few years ago with no luck. I later found out that it was a male anyway so not really a big loss. That was just an experiment with a seed I found so, i don't consider that an attempt at growing. Anyway, I have attached a few pix of my new adventure. This plant is about 3 months old. Its from a seed that i found in a bag. So I guess that's 'bagseed' ? Its been outside its whole life. I water when I think it needs it, and I don't really have a feeding schedule. I'm a complete newbie when it comes to these plants. I found a few seeds and decided to plant them. I got one to take and the others never grew. So, I have this one only. What do you guys think of it? It looked a little droopy today so i watered it about an hour before these pix. So, here are my questions-

    1. Can anyone identify this strain?
    2. Is it flowering now?
    3. How long do I let it flower?
    4. Is it to late to clone?

    Thanks for any answers or advice you guys can provide.. .

    Attached Files:

  2. Can anyone tell me if this is the flowering stage? Its a bit buddier now. These pix are 2 weeks old.

    Thanks for any advice.. .

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